
Nat Faxon looks like a blonde Rick Santorum. Poor guy.

So GCB is the prequel to GDB? Is it about Britta's mother? I would watch that.

I think he'd prefer his (other) old woman Lucille.

Yes and No.

You promised butt stuff!

Why in FSM's holy name is this still being reviewed?

Excellent episode. Gotta echo the love for Martha Plimpton. About time she got some awards love.

Completely agree with this. I really think Wyatt Cenac and Larry Wilmore have interesting things to say when they're on, but they are on very infrequently. I especially hate the pieces where 3 or 4 of them end up on screen just to confirm a single point Jon has already hammered home (the joy boner bit after Perry's

I was worried I had become popular there for a minute.


Does anyone else think that some executive came up with the name "Chipwrecked" and then they "wrote" the movie around it?

It's Tintin, not Tin Tin!

"This is what The Learning Channel should be learning us". Something's missing.

Brainfart. My apologies.

I believe Cliff was played by Daran Norris.

Really Todd? You're dissing Gracie Bell? You're dead to me. (Just kidding).

I read this in Larry David doing Steinbrenner. In-ex-cu-sa-BLE!

If this guy is "slightly" shady, who the hell is full-on shady?

More product than art seems about right. I received at least 7 different invitations for test screenings of this movie over the last two months. Seems to have been focus grouped to death.