Calico Cat Rackham

I think this episode has one of my favorite dorky Rusty quotes:

I think this episode was actually good. I mostly watch this show because I have friends who watch it and want to talk about it; like you, I've flirted at times with giving up on the show entirely. Unfortunately, what made this episode good was that it was almost entirely removed from the show's typical storytelling

I think I'd recommend starting with an excellent compilation, "The Rockabilly Psychosis and the Garage Disease." It's got some old stuff, recorded before anyone dreamed up the term "psychobilly," like the Novas, Hasil Adkins, and the Legendary Stardust Cowboy, and some of the bands named above, the Meteors, the

So, blowing up: does that mean we give Babylon 2 and Babylon 3 an F grade, or just a D-, since we are gentlemen?

Finally! Now hopefully we can get reviews of Babylons 2, 3, and 4, as well.

Fowle would be a good fake surname for the Penguin. Welcome.

Are you the new regular reviewer for this show?

Sean Whalen, "The Lie."

I just wanted to pop in and say that I'm excited for regular AV club coverage of this show.

Wait, is there a Lori Lemaris episode of Smallville?

That is probably my favorite moment in the series. It's such a powerful visual / auditory expression of the character's isolation.

There are a lot of critical things a person could say about Oliver Sava's body of work for the AV Club, but suggesting that he's never read a comic book is not one of them.

Is it possible to watch this show from the beginning (legally) anywhere online?

This edition of random roles was…. life changing. Really.

And hell, at the risk of looking like a shill for Bloodshot records, Maggie Bjorkland's LP was pretty damn good, too.

Ha Ha Tonka
It would be nice to see "Death of a Decade" mentioned on a list like this.

Yeah, the first season is pretty rough, but I wouldn't recommend skipping "By Any Means Necessary," and I've come to like "Deathwalker" a great deal, but that might be Stockholm syndrome.

Babylon 5
I would read these hypothetical TV Club classic write-ups, should they ever get out of Rowan Kaiser's dreams and onto the AV Club.

I think the Penelope Ghiruto episode is an acceptable choice for a favorite ep., too, Eric. But I haven't seen it in a very a long time.

It's a tough call. The book is definitely superior and aimed at an adult audience, but I have such a fondness for the cartoon because I saw so often as a child. I guess I'll back up El Mysterioso, and advise the cartoon first, so you can be pleasantly surprised by the book.