
Lesbian abound?
Part of me thinks that Ana is confused sexually, because as much she acts attracted to Bill - it really seems that Margie is the one who she gets along with and, time and time again, has been convinced by her to try the polygamist lifestyle even when Bill failed to. Plus there was that scene in the

JT, I don't dismiss any sovereign country's right to defend itself when necessary - Israel included - but I find that choosing sides with such a conflict is shortsighted and even moreso as both sides are equally guilty of horrible things and to designate one as "the good guys" shows a great misunderstanding about the

Can't go wrong with Sgt. Rock, yo.

He uses it in a later arc. I'd say more, but I'd hate to spoil a comic that I've enjoyed a lot thus far. I disagreed with the analogy personally, as I think that conflict is far more complex and the one in Fables is far less so, but it's still a story that manages to still keep me interested.

Yeah, flawed heroes are simply more interesting ones given that there can be many kinds of conflict as opposed to one. When they're boy scouts and knights in shining armor, they may as well be golden statues in a prouder-than-thou pose. Not to mention there in no way to relate to someone who has superpowers and yet

Is it really that enraging?
If there's any problem that I have with Willingham's article, it is the idea that righteous certainty is "heroic" and internal conflict is not as well as that it can only be one way or the other. Plus he didn't help himself with comments like superheros needing "higher standards, loftier

I assumed the decision had come between what had happened at the end of Batman Begins and Dark Knight (along with what happens there) and, really, it seemed like he was disliking the fact that people were being killed because of him.

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
Rabin's mention of Ledger's performance being akin to Michael Keaton's in Beetlejuice was spot-on.

Logic at work!
"Instead of Wanted & Desired, there's another documentary that could help Roman Polanski get closure in his case: Locked Up Abroad: Peru. It's about 2 (very naive) girls who agree to smuggle cocaine out of Peru but then get caught at the airport. So they committed a crime in a foreign country with a

Any MYOF-like segment would be much appreciated. The article on Kurt Wimmer's End of Violence was easily one of the funniest things I had read in a while.

A little quick to be defensive, aren't we?

First half good, second half bad
I actually don't mind tonal shifts, especially when the humor was dark enough as it was without going overboard and being in dramatic territory made sense from time to time.

Definitely, and it was even better that it seemed the characters understood how ridiculous it was. It was sort of like watching a Werner Bros. cartoon had Bugs and Elmer Fudd suddenly become live-action human beings.

Yeah, the whole thing felt like a chore. It's beautifully designed and everything, but there's so little in an awful lot. I don't mind depressing either, but there's generally a point to such - and here it just seemed utterly pointless.

Frolicing Robots and Exploding Heads
Strangely enough, I love seeing both!