
Director: We’re at three hours. Something’s got to be cut.

Hooray! I was just heading to the AVClub for my usual weekly ritual of seeing how bad Dexter sucked, and I'm surprised by a mention of my story!

8 minutes of washing dishes but only 5 seconds of Bret Mckenzie???

8 minutes of washing dishes but only 5 seconds of Bret Mckenzie???

Yeah, the scene between Walt and Skyler was basically a more chilled out version of the exact same conversation from the previous episode, the only difference was that hushed ‘okay’.

Yeah, the scene between Walt and Skyler was basically a more chilled out version of the exact same conversation from the previous episode, the only difference was that hushed ‘okay’.

The most powerful moment of the episode is mostly forgotten, because of the ending.
It was when walt said “okay.”

The most powerful moment of the episode is mostly forgotten, because of the ending.
It was when walt said “okay.”

Hey, nice avatar.
-The guy who drew your avatar

Hey, nice avatar.
-The guy who drew your avatar

He said both things at different times.

He said both things at different times.

There's a pretty healthy webcomics presence this year, so it'd be great to hear a bit about it!

You Shoot, I Shoot
Another great movie that needs to be remade, this time a Hong Kong film about two characters: A hitman that's having a hard time getting customers in a slow economy, and an aspiring film student who wants to be an auteur, but can only get work as a PA on a porn set. Together, they end up starting a

Saving my Hubby
For movies that need to be remade, see:
"Saving my Hubby", A Korean movie about a young housewife who has to brave the shadier elements of town while trying to retrieve her drunken husband, who's being held by thugs for a phony bar tab. It's an action movie where the lead is a tiny, ill-prepared woman

New statement on southparkstudios.com- Matt and Trey said that the "I learned something today" was bleeped by Comedy Central too. Wasn't a creative decision about censorship removing meaning, after all. That was just Scrotie McBoogerballsesque reading too much into it.

Just a random guy standin' there
When the bleeping stared, I thought they were going to show Mohammed, but bleep out the name so that it couldn't be proven that it was really him. Another escalating "how far over the line can we tip-toe moment. But nope.

Is the alterna timeline the monkey's paw?
With all the talk about Jacob and Smokey making the dead all right, and making anything you want possible, it seems that alternate universes are what they're talking about.
Both Dogen's son and Nadia are all right in an alternate timeline- the timeline we saw!

Whoop, should have read other replies first. It was Paik. And it was apparently referenced in a recent episode that her name is Paik. And since Jacob spoke Korean and understood Korean wedding customs, he must know that. Thus, the Kwon is Jin,

Sun Kwon?
His is been stated in the show itself that Sun's family name is Kwon? Because Korean women don't take their husband's name when they get married. So unless her name was already Kwon before marriage, Sun and Jin shouldn't have the same family name. Which should tell us who the important one is. What was her