
Wha- !

Ditto on the B&W and Cinemascope. If you ever get a chance to see La Dolce Vita

Ditto on the B&W and Cinemascope. If you ever get a chance to see La Dolce Vita

The Renege

The Renege

Dr. Lay-o?

Dr. Lay-o?

At a council flat "playground" just outside of Croydon.

At a council flat "playground" just outside of Croydon.

Some eerie, luminescent ground fog would suffice.

Some eerie, luminescent ground fog would suffice.

Didn't expect that.

Addio Zio Tom

Non-commercial informational transaction.

DayCare actually.

Get it on disk.

How 'bout to alternate universes?

You are totally wrong. Everybody says it's the best!

Well… it was a big budget Paramount production from 1954. Not my favorite period for American movies. If you caught on afternoon TV 40 years ago you might have liked it. But probably not.

That short story was made into movie The Naked Jungle, starring Charlton Heston and Eleanor Parker, in 1954.