
Hmm… is the pizza here?

How'd it taste?

Yeah. Don't forget about Nightmare In Chicago either.

I saw it (because of the 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes) and it's not as bad as Norbert or Daddy Day Care. It is very similar to Liar, Liar… except for one thing. Eddie Murphy seems like a legitimately unpleasant person. His conversion at the end is quite a bit more affecting. Carrey and Murphy may be egotistical

The "official" history recited here is bullshit. The Blue Brothers originated when Belushi was filming Animal House in Eugene, OR, saw The Robert Cray Band in action and wanted to copy their presentation and put his spin on it. I haven't read all 260 comments at this point but Don Pardo name checks Robert Cray and

Ditto Kid Charlemagne. What a waste of Chuck Rainey.

As the Red Skull?

Et tu?

OK. You're an idiot.

The weed?

Michael Moriarty.

Hmm… do you know this Neil Simon?

Sean Penn would be funnier.

Don't start down that road…

He can be heard, at his best, on Wolfgangsvault.


Green and GO!

Jaws 4: The Renege

Fucking clickers.

Lack of plastic surgery?