
Ditto comments.

You stick your thumb up another guy's butt for the old U S of A.

Prisons. Crime factories.

I believe the concept of the snuff film is from a Dragnet TV-movie that aired ('67? '68 or so?). Based on  the case of a serial killer who recorded the screams of agony of a victim he was torturing, Webb wrote a movie about a serial killer who filmed himself murdering his victims. I'm pretty sure there was no such

Specter of the Rose? Also worth the effort.

Gee, you must have missed the marvelous, lovely, lilting Stephen Baldwin vehicle Threesome.

Angelina Jolie jumped the rails a while back and has gone totally anorexic. That's why you don't see her upper arms anymore. I read recently that she eats a spoonful of coconut oil for breakfast. That's extreme fat-phobia right there since CO is being touted as a "fat reducer" at the moment by the obsessive thinness

Yes, Shutter Island and The Departed are lesser works by Scorsese. And Hugo is easily the best 3D movie ever made. Not that it says very much for a deadend format like dual-strip 3D.

…and all the rest are pregnant.

Location shooting in Tacoma for that film.

Nightmare In Chicago


Social media is the new fundamental extremist. Everyone is accountable!

I want something more tangible.


When they ran the header about the Austin Power's torture/gang rape I immediately thought "Verne Troyer!"

plus: she's short.