
She is!

Well doesn't look like they had sex at that point, Noah was just using his hand….but anyway yeah, it still wasn't in Alisons side of the story

Noah and the father in law had a conversation (I believe the second ep) where he asked Noah how the house was, and Noah said thanks for the loan. So they helped Noah and his wife buy the place, and maybe even provide regular financial support?

If I'm remembering correctly, didn't the guy she brought the cooler to also call her Bailey? Figure it's her maiden name…so at the very least she is no longer with Cole in the future

The beginning of the season premiere, as everyone was in the train car getting their weapons ready, there was voice over from a few characters' conversations, one was between Daryl and Maggie, where he told her he was with Beth for a while, and a car with a cross took her. Of course it's still strange we haven't seen

No, no, that's Sex Cauldron