
Agreed wholeheartedly as well - the psuedonoir (and tongue in cheek) vibe of the original show or the more indiana jonesy vibe of the cartoon made way more sense than the super cheesy ultra futuristic feel of Where in Time?

My real takeaway from Community Season 5 was that we need a buddy comedy starring Dan Harmon, Mitch Hurwitz and Vince Gilligan.

I could also think of a certain fox subsidiary that specializes in comedy that could use some original content **coughFXXcough**

Agreed wholeheartedly, albeit coming from the other side. I've played an unhealthy amount of competitive Magic and most of the people I got into the game with were also D+D junkies, but for me I couldn't get into it precisely for the inversion of the same reasons of why OP wouldn't play magic ( I'm not a big fan of

Agreed — This may be a pens fan in New York thing — also an age thing, but for me the teams i truly can't stand are the Flyers (self explanatory), the Rangers (mention you're a Pens fan in front of one and you'll get a solid hour of delusional hysterics and a drink thrown in your face), and the Caps (mostly from the

Personally, when watching the Hero, i thought it did ape a reality competition, but I didn't see it aping survivor or big brother, but rather as pretty blatant expy of the Mole (which i'm cool with, because the Mole was better than Survivor or Big Brother anyway)

It's ok, I almost walked into that same trap heh.