
Good question. I think it certainly is possible, it's just so rarely done. A good critique would have to recognize that the younger generation is, in its own way, dealing with exactly the same issues that generations before them have encountered, while acknowledging that their surroundings make their specific issues

Good question. I think it certainly is possible, it's just so rarely done. A good critique would have to recognize that the younger generation is, in its own way, dealing with exactly the same issues that generations before them have encountered, while acknowledging that their surroundings make their specific issues

PS — Yes, I realize that was three things. This show just kind of got me going.

PS — Yes, I realize that was three things. This show just kind of got me going.

Two things:

Two things:

I love your last paragraph.

I love your last paragraph.

Question: as he's learning to "be a manly-man" among firefighters and soldiers and hunters, does Stein then lecture them on their failures as adults when they inevitably pick Guns n' Roses on the bar jukebox instead of Mahler? Or does he acknowledge that perhaps people can be more advanced than him in multiple areas

Question: as he's learning to "be a manly-man" among firefighters and soldiers and hunters, does Stein then lecture them on their failures as adults when they inevitably pick Guns n' Roses on the bar jukebox instead of Mahler? Or does he acknowledge that perhaps people can be more advanced than him in multiple areas

Yep, right-on. Stein strikes me as the kind of guy who starts sentences like "as David Foster Wallace once said…" in full confidence that no one he's talking to will know the reference well enough to correct him.

Yep, right-on. Stein strikes me as the kind of guy who starts sentences like "as David Foster Wallace once said…" in full confidence that no one he's talking to will know the reference well enough to correct him.

Lessons learned here:

Lessons learned here:

Of all the hundreds of "let me tell you about the great time I saw whomever back when" stories on this site, this one probably makes me the most jealous.

Of all the hundreds of "let me tell you about the great time I saw whomever back when" stories on this site, this one probably makes me the most jealous.

I know, weird, right?  I would think his Bowie work was just as important to Eno's early reputation as Roxy Music was.

I know, weird, right?  I would think his Bowie work was just as important to Eno's early reputation as Roxy Music was.

Try reading Miles Davis autobiography. Amazing how some of the most beautiful music ever recorded can sound so sinister once you know about the man that made it.

Try reading Miles Davis autobiography. Amazing how some of the most beautiful music ever recorded can sound so sinister once you know about the man that made it.