
The first little garage band I played with covered "Running With the Devil." I was 11 years old, had been playing bass probably two months at that point, and hardly knew how to tune. I still found that bassline somehow insulting.

I saw AC/DC on the Ballbreaker tour. It was, of course, awesome. Anyway, after playing two and a half hours of entirely fill-less drumming, they brought out "Let There Be Rock," and the drummer got to play a pretty simple, two-bar fill toward the end. The crowd gave one of the loudest roars of the night in response.…

Oh okay. I thought you were using that as actual justification for doing this.

You mean the performance of "Sweet Jane" that was rightly judged to be one of the worst pairings those concerts have ever thrown up? The clip that every news organization attached to the announcement of the album with a note to the effect of "hopefully the full album is a lot better than this travesty"?

I met him once, and talked to him for about 5 minutes… Come to think of it, there's really no interesting story here. Except that he really is just a cool fucking guy.

Correction: It's sexless pop music for really, really boring hicks. A lot of hick-centric pop music is actually pretty good! This is not.

My Clan don't have to act wild / That shit is Jive