
*respectful applause*


I thought it was Paul McCartney.

I was going to remark that Reasonable Doubt was an Ashley Judd movie, but then I decided to look it up and found out I was thinking about Double Jeopardy.

They must have outlived their usefulness.

I will be missing Roger Ebert tremendously. He was my first introduction to the field of pop culture criticism, for which I will always be grateful.

Eh, my life is pretty fantastic.

You can, if you believe hard enough.

And to think there are people who won't give this an 'A' because they have "standards." The nerve!

We demand accountability at The A.V. Club!

The best part about the Neeson suggestion is that he is only a year younger than Russell. Youth movement!

I got a Pushing Daisies notification for this? Why thank you!

O Captain! My Captain!

Yet those made up as they went along seasons of Lost were better than any planned out show I can think of.

So is this franchise basically the Final Fantasy of movies?

I might be more kind to the eventual gritty reboot. Because gritty = better.

Well that's….something? Perhaps I will Netflix it on a rainy day.

In keeping with the times, I'll judge this movie solely by the promotional materials and say that a C- seems very generous.

Your ideas intrigue me.

We can't all be @avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus