

I was going to start the same thread - so yes! I strongly agree! Regardless of what happens from here on out, Kevin is the greatest cheftestant ever, with combination of sher culinary talent and likability unmatched. Go Kevin - take it down buddy! I have no doubt he will.

Holy shit!
210 comments into a Coen Brothers thread and somehow, SOMEHOW, we've avoided devolving into a Lebowski quote orgy!

More love for Intolerable Cruelty. I rented it with low expectations, but I thought it was terrific! Certainly better than Burn After Reading (both aiming for screwball comedy).

Big Charlie Kaufman fan
love BJM, love LOVE "Adaptation", but anyone who defends "Synecdoche NY" is a lying hipster douchebag.

^^^Johnny La Rue? Chinatown? Crane shot!

PS the book is correctly called "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls", and it's a must read for anyone interested in the transition from the studio system to the auteur-driven "golden age" of Hollywood of the the late '60s thru the early 70s.

Crane shot?

He asked me! He asked me!

Yeah, I have a lot of affection for Zippy and Bill Griffith (I've always preferred Griffith Observatory), but it seems the entire strip is built on exactly that thing people here give Seth MacFarlane and others shit for - trying to mine laughs out of just dropping pop culture references. Zippy does it in a pretty

I think the term "douche" is really being overused by everyone, but, yeah, this guy is a huge douche. Super-duper-douche. Duper-douche - ha!

You sir are a douche.

IDOTSY - Deck of the Yard?!?!?!?

Bobby Flay - huge douche
Paula Deen - un-fucking-bearable.
Guy Fieri - Satan himself. This dude is like Guy Smiley with a "hip" haircut. Make me want to saw my own head off with my keys.

molly - I spit out my food when I read that! Very funny!

I'm Cautiously Optimistic!
Love Chris Elliott. "Get a Life" was great.

Same with CCR - they had like 5 #2s, but never got to #1. Even Proud Mary!

Who > Stones. Come on, people.

I'm down with that, Jim.

teadoust FTW.