
The Next Iron Chef may be better than this season of top chef, but NOTHING is better than the original Iron Chef! They're available on youtube - the best!!!

Kin: "I can win this Hosea-style." Good one.

Enkidum, as I said, the scary right-wing shit was over on the Michael Moore thread - if this question was for me :"And other than someone whose comment was "fuck you", no one on this thread has said anything that sounds remotely right wing. Who exactly are you replying to?"

JB - quite agree, these Volt Bros. are super type-A personalities, they think very highly of themselves, but are also very hard on themselves.

Maybe I'm confused by what you guys mean (I think I'm agreeing with you, FD?) but didn't Mike make a dish liked very much by the judges working with ingredients he never uses with an albatross as co-chef? The guy is the very definition of a douche, but he has chops.

I love the boards here and do feel a part of a community, but jeez over on the Michael Moore thread there was an awful lot of libertarian/right-wing-ish invective that really pissed me off. I mean, we're all here for shits and giggles, to see who can be the snarkiest or most obnoxious for laughs, and that's the way it

The greatest redistribution of wealth in the history of the USA occurred under GWB, when the wealthiest 1% got richer than ever. And none of your Randian bullshit, because they didn't do it legitimately, the fix was in, laws were broken, the country went busto and they get to keep to keep it all. But we need to look

I always appreciate a well-reasoned argument. And such a clever name!

"They all get to feel good about themselves"
Whattaya mean "they", Rabin? You switch sides somehow? Or is Jewish not white?

Urkel should have been the first black president.

Beastie Boys
Much love for "B-Boy Bouillabaisse", but it must be considered a "suite" as it jumps from short idea to short idea. It is not one long song, more of a "mix tape".

I could make an even longer list of totally boss 2+ minute songs!

Firth, .25 seconds short, but the better song. Selling England def Genesis' greatest album.

MPBC- Yeah, Giant's first three albums were very mellow, though among my favorite.
Along with the specific songs I recommended above, check out the albums "Power and the Glory" "Missing Piece" or "Freehand" for stuff that stays closer to a straight up rock thing, though with odd times and 20th Century harmony thrown

Prog rockers - please give a little love to Gentle Giant. Very few prog bands could really rock, but Giant could, as well as play 12-tone fugues. They also wrote beautiful melodies.

Knowitasshole: "Mr. Chesthair: The same thing that happens when you yell FIRE in a crowded theater. The authorities come and take you away"

Mrs. Knowitall - you are just one more sad FOOL like those pathetic teabaggers who are so fucking worried that the dark people might get a little of your money that you are BLIND to the fact that its the corporations that are robbing you and bankrupting the rest of us, and they are doing it by breaking laws that they

If you come to New York I will be there with a bottle of Boone's Farm Strawberry Wine and one joint. We'll all get messed up! Then we can go hang out with Andy Warhol and Alan Ginsberg at CBGBs….

I'm not your pal, buddy.

Too soon?