Timothy Brawner

I will always have room in my heart for Jackass. Plan on seeing this opening day.

Oh wow, my bad. Sorry. Totally overzealous on my part.

Those first two sentences are pure fucking gold. Thank you Based O'Neal.

(valid opinion/gross simplification)

And it may just be my opinion, but I actually like the aggressively stupid rhymes (whether or not Yeezy is savvy enough to know what he's doing. I think he is, but whatever). It's like a Henry Taylor painting, the boneheaded parts just make you appreciate the totally sublime bits and pieces. And to anyone calling this

To the avclub, c'mon guys, you had to link a super annoying remix? To everyone complaining about Kanye for the millionth time for being a casual misogynist who's super focused on wealth: congratulations you are officially old and missing the point. Enjoy living in the echo chamber of your own nostalgia.

But does the memory wipe undo any growth Dean might have gotten from What Color is Your Cleansuit? Also, on another point, a lot of people have been saying that Hank has always had "just go with it" attitude when it comes to the everyday craziness that comes with being a Venture, but then why did he erase his own

Dean has kind of been the pathetic one for awhile, right? First Orpheus's Master in the Necropolis predicts (or maybe lies) and says that Dean will only ever be able to have sad Agent Orange freak babies as a result of his DNA being degraded through cloning. Then Perchance to Dean really cemented Dean's tragic and

Lemming Trail literally sounds like it could be an early Mr. Bungle demo. The exact same tone in the guitar, a horn section, and a vocalist you're doing your best to ignore.

I still feel like calling an assembly of some sort so that the internet can collectively congratulate itself on just how cool it's been (for the most part) about Laura Jane Grace's transition. Good work everyone.

I know the Manic Street Preachers may not be as high profile as some of the bands on this list, but I'd argue almost half of their discography since 1994's the Holy Bible is centered on dealing with the disappearance (and likely suicide) of Richey Edwards. Hell, Journal for Plague Lovers is practically an entire album