lasagna for 1

My family is from Minnesota so I brilliantly suggested we watch Fargo together because the Coen totally nailed both the accent and the whole Minnesota sensibility so perfectly.  Totally forgot how much they say "fuck" not to mention a ton of other inappropriate things to watch with your christian parents.  Awkward…

My family is from Minnesota so I brilliantly suggested we watch Fargo together because the Coen totally nailed both the accent and the whole Minnesota sensibility so perfectly.  Totally forgot how much they say "fuck" not to mention a ton of other inappropriate things to watch with your christian parents.  Awkward…

Good to see Chungking Express recognized here - and so high on the list.  One of my favorite movies ever…

Good to see Chungking Express recognized here - and so high on the list.  One of my favorite movies ever…

Is there anything here that's not smothered in gravy?

Is there anything here that's not smothered in gravy?

These episodes made me wonder whether this situation is in any way autobiographical.  I could totally see Louie being used like this and then finding a way to do his thing his way like he's doing now.  Total control over his own show, selling his comedy specials and tickets on his own website - all of that seems like

These episodes made me wonder whether this situation is in any way autobiographical.  I could totally see Louie being used like this and then finding a way to do his thing his way like he's doing now.  Total control over his own show, selling his comedy specials and tickets on his own website - all of that seems like

"Ferment" by Catherine Wheel would have to be my favorite shoegaze album.  Souvlaki is a close second, though.  Also sometimes enjoy Brian Jonestown Massacre's "Methodrone" and Sianspheric's "Somnium." I respect "Loveless" but find it unlistenable for its lack of rhythm.  "Nowhere" is better than "Going Blank Again"

"Ferment" by Catherine Wheel would have to be my favorite shoegaze album.  Souvlaki is a close second, though.  Also sometimes enjoy Brian Jonestown Massacre's "Methodrone" and Sianspheric's "Somnium." I respect "Loveless" but find it unlistenable for its lack of rhythm.  "Nowhere" is better than "Going Blank Again"

Saying things to add to the comments and get them to the target number…  But why?  I DON'T KNOW!

Saying things to add to the comments and get them to the target number…  But why?  I DON'T KNOW!

I've enjoyed the show so far, but this episode is the first one that made me really excited about watching more.  Definitely an A for me.  Has anything ever gotten an A+?  Not that this episode would, just silently wondering…

I've never understood why people like Modern Family.  Do any of those people actually like each other or learn from their stupidity?  I hate shows where miscommunication is the central conflict.  Just TALK to each other, fools!

Didn't grab me at first but it gets more infectious after repeated listenings.  I particularly like "Codex."  I'm no expert, but I would think Radiohead's shittiest album would make any list before Britney Spears would.

That's the only time you'll ever see snow on Pasadena City Hall.

I think you mean "ciggies" - you gotta give em credit for using words that no one actually says.

You're wish is granted.  Long live Jambi.

I am in the target demographic for this news and I approve.  If they make this, I will give them money.

Man, I had it so wrong.  I totally thought the rubber man was going to be the pizza delivery boy from ep 2, left out in the cold of Boston to die while Hayden freaked out about Ben wanting to call Vivien.  He's a person too, Hayden.  Sheesh!