
Merle's hand
Why in the world would Merle cut off his hand?

Jax's reaction at the end
I don't think he was taking Clay's advice at all. That was just reaction. It was a purely emotional reaction to the situation, particularly after seeing that child dying in his mother's arms. Jax was not trying to make a point, he was just going to beat the fuck out of whomever that dude

Billy Corgan
I know a lot of people hate him, but I'd love to see him make something worthy of early Smashing Pumpkins.

Or reckless even!

Yes, you reversed the title. Still, interesting point.

Also, Roger is seeing his job taken from him and mishandled, and it's pissing him off.

I think, as mentioned above, that we're seeing that his role in the firm is actually more substantial than we've been led to believe. As Don has begun handling the Hilton account, it has become clear that doing Roger's job is destroying him.

I think Hilton definitely picked up on how much ass-kissing was going on. He didn't want to be handled. I also thought the moon comment might have initially have been a test. Maybe he was hoping Don would call him out for talking crazy, but instead he was sold a line about incorporating the moon into the campaign.

Gross played Howell's best friend.

He seemed much more like a baby back then.

I vote the Beatles
The Beatles are the American Beatles. Who cares where the fuckers were born? I rightfully claim them in the name of the United States.

They are like the reverse Beatles, right? They started off making their own creative mark on a burgeoning genre and degenerated into corporate pop hacks playing stadiums. Exceptionally good sellers, though.

I was thinking of Nirvana and the Pixies,as well. While I'd say that the Pixies are hard to beat in terms of influence in that period, the parallels between Nirvana and the Beatles are unmistakable. I'd also argue that there is an interesting Grohl/McCartney comparison that might have been more clear had Cobain's

To be fair, it is Nathan's fault.

This guy is too stoic
What Dreyfuss really needs to do is complain more. If he'd just do a bit more complaining, everything would be fixed to his liking.