Feeble Mcjackson

The greatest thing about the strength of the female characters is that I never thought about there sex. I loved the characters and they just happened to be girls. What an incredible finale.

If this isn't sarcasm then she shouldn't be any type of music critic. "My bottom line: “Fancy” is a really good song. It’s catchy, it’s stylish, and it contains little parts where Iggy Azalea spells out her name (“I-G-G-Y,” if you’re nasty)"

serious question. Where is the community grade on this? It looks really fishy where this show is getting universal criticism from fans yet for some reason AVClub give it a good rating and doesnt allow for a community one.

This show is a pale comparison to EMH. It's really sad that they cancelled one of the best animated series on tv for this pile of hot garbage. Bad animation, juvenile dialiog, and really terrible voice actors.

I can understand that. This was definitely my favorite episode of the season thus far.

I can understand that. This was definitely my favorite episode of the season thus far.

Don't understand how Ult Spidey can get the same review score as Young Justice. YJ is an infinitely better show and is everything I wish Ult Spidey was. A show about teen super heroes dealing with real life issues yet still balancing that with great action and comedy. (Also the animation is sub-par. Character look

Don't understand how Ult Spidey can get the same review score as Young Justice. YJ is an infinitely better show and is everything I wish Ult Spidey was. A show about teen super heroes dealing with real life issues yet still balancing that with great action and comedy. (Also the animation is sub-par. Character look