
First off late me say that it's great to have you back Carrie, we missed you.

I've been rewatching certain episodes from season 2 lately. My god the vibe from that season is so different. Everything feels more epic, more emotional, and more suspenseful. Elena was a completely different character back then. Those were good times and its unfortunate to see something that was so great back then

I was excited for this too! That way should would also become stronger. Ever since Elena turned I expected her to actually start fighting for her life and defending herself and Jeremy, but she stills depends on the Salvatores for protection. In a way she is even less than a fighter than she was when she was human


Also does anyone else get the feeling that the way the show has been delivering information and twists has been off since the beginning of season 4?
Because none of the information they have been giving out lately sticks with me, like they set up these intriguing mysteries but once they start answering them it feels

Can someone please send this review to Julie Plec or Caroline Dries (whoever is the showrunner at this point)? Carrie hits it right on the nose with all the problems the show has with this article. THANK YOU.
Even though season 4 and some of season 3 were not great, I felt it was mainly due to unfavorable storylines,

ahh yes, I remember that scene, but just wasn't sure how much Katherine revealed to him. Thanks for clearing that up!

Well… this episode annoyed me A LOT and mainly for the main reasons Carrie mentioned above, I truly hope that the whole Damon killing Sara thing was a lie, because that would be convenient storytelling which is the most basic and most irritable writing of all (not to mention that it goes against Damon's character).

Can anyone explain Tessa's thought process into making Amara the anchor?
This episode we learned that the anchor (Amara/Bonnie) can see people on the other side, so that means that if Silas were to die Amara could still see him right? So Tessa wouldn't have been successful in keeping them apart? I just don't get the

Probably my favorite episode of the season so far, maybe because all of the Katherine stuff. I agree though that they're taking a little longer than usual to set things up, but I do find all of the storylines pretty intriguing so far and I think they have more promise than the main storylines that we got for the past

I thought this was a damn good episode. It kept me interested from the beginning to the end and was just pure fun the whole time. 
I think they are doing a great job with the characters so far. Hayley is starting to grow on me (I am not one of those Klaroline shippers, just didnt think her character was interesting on

I personally thought this episode was great, I preferred it a lot more than the last two seasons' premieres. I thought it offered a fun and refreshing take to the series (which was much needed in my opinion).
However, I am a little confused about something. When Megan died, Elena was freaking out over the fact that she

Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention to last night's episode or I am forgetting something from the previous episodes but does anyone know why Eric left at the end?
Like what was wrong with him and were there any hints about him leaving?

I personally loved this episode, and it had my favorite twists since the season 2 finale…
However, i have two questions (i think i can answer them if i pay attention next time i watch it though)
1) Wait, did I miss something, how do we know the sire bond is broken?
2) So Silas is the one who made that immortality spell