Sir Francis Bacon

i will not be held responsible for what happens after you fall asleep

whoa, wha?

when i saw that i was like….

i know it isn't what it used to be but there are still moments

am i the only one still watching this show?

Snore, snore


you clod.

a fine pate on the side?

maybe if it came with a nice gruyere?


then again, i usually enjoy a sufficient brain-dead action flick (sufficient being the operative word)

this could be good

This show will not be good

why do I suck? I said deathproof is all kinds of awesome.

i thought the children were nearby during the first hooker-in-the-closet escapade.

them's fightin' words mr tanaka

i disagree. the book was already 7/8 done by that point and hundreds of pages too long. so mailer just wrapped up an entire campaign (which was going no where) by having the japanese forces accidentally disappear from all their positions so the blumbering major (filling in for the general who was away at the crucial

i guess sheen is carrying the weight by being one and a half times the asshole a normal man would be
which leaves something something something

Death Proof = all kinds of awesome