Egg Sucking Dog

Being a real life captain nemo would become pretty tempting. I mean, I would probably stick away from the sinking other ships bit, cause I'm a wuss, but it would still be worth it for the awesome submarine from which you launch your other submarines.

I think the best return of David Wallace would have been finding him basically exactly where he started, except with a new company. Wallace always exuded a sort of perfect unexceptional bland competence that is perfect for middle upper management so it would make sense for him to return there after his brief boredom

Not that I'm doubting that's who it will be but, did Andy and David Wallace ever actually meet one another prior to this?

I think for me it basically boils down to this:

I like the idea of a particularly lucky spambot who only copies the best posts gathering a following and becoming the new Cookie Monster.

Given that he is the same person who created and built the business, I'm somewhat more inclined to give him a bit more slack for his recent seemingly incomprehensible ideas than say, an idiot CEO of hp. I sort of wonder if the actual reason for his recent terrible decisions is that the company internally has decided

A new ACTUALLY competent boss coming in and trying to make sense of the situation could be sort of hilarious actually. Nearly everything makes so little sense at this point the episode could just open with him starting "Hold on, let me get this straight….." and then his questions would finish 30 minutes later.

He even died on the way back to his home planet.

I think the critical thing is that it's ok for shows like this to have 1 or 2 characters who sort of exist in a wider or more forgiving reality than everyone else. The contrast between the crazy people and everything else makes it work. But it's a long trend now that EVERY new character has no ties to reality. When

"hey everyone you may think Nelly is a heartless, probably psychopathic monster, but….she used to have a boyfriend."

What's really amazing is that every new character on this show is more poorly defined than the last. Deangelo had the same problem as Nellie where the characters personality and wants were never clearly defined - and worse seemed to change on a line by line basis depending on what the writers thought was funny.

Coming around the Mountain to me sort of is the ultimate showcase of both boring A&C material but also totally off the wall insane hilarious stuff. There are long stretches of that movie that don't do much for me (lots of singing), or where they seem to set up a hilarious sketch that writes itself and then do nothing

The thing I love about "Meet Frankenstein" is that it works even as a straight up sequel in the dracula/frankenstein/etc. line of films. Hell, its a lot better than most of those sequels. I have similar feelings about "Young Frankenstein" - its not just a funny comedy its also one of the best versions of Frankenstein

He pretty regularly calls everyone he disagrees with sub-human no less. Also loves to compare people to animals.

That is sort of my point though. The show USED to be able to portray relationships in a more realistic and/or dynamic/nuanced way. But for the last 2 seasons or so its soul mates or else. (The only exception as you pointed out being ryan/kelly but that is a carryover from the early years)

The funny thing about that is that you are right that Michael was a more horrible person than (current) Andy, but he was also more likeable. The problem is the show used to be comfortable having characters that it knew had a lot of problems. Now it wants to get away with everyone being kind of a dick but it also wants

Totally agree with this. I really like the actress who plays Erin, she almost manages to salvage the fact that her character has crazily inconsistent writing, but everything else about Andy + Erin is a disaster. The attempts at romance in general lately have just been icky. The creepy thing is the way the show just

Over the last 2 or so seasons the office has been moving more and more and more towards just throwing stuff at a wall and seeing if it sticks. (Or perhaps more accurately, not even caring if something does stick, they will abandon that too) Nellie seems sort of like the perfect awful culmination of that. She isn't

The reason that people don't like Jim and Pam anymore IMO is almost all a side-effect of the way the show has given up on telling actual stories. (As opposed to actually being a fault of the actors etc) Characters like Jim and Pam especially need to at least want something or be trying to go somewhere in order to be

@Liesh, I think the problem with his "Oh I'm a huge asshole" confession is the fact that he seems to have a record of stating "Oh I'm a huge asshole, woe is me" all the time as a way of avoiding actually trying to change being an asshole.