Egg Sucking Dog

After seeing one of the "moments of Zen" on the Daily show last week I'm not so sure Romney is made of anti-comedy. It was a clip of old liberal Romney campaigning in a waffle house or something, and it was like watching a Disney animatronic who was REALLY eager to please, surrounded by people who looked shocked

Then of course in America especially you also have countless instances where people intentionally changed their last name slightly in order sound less foreign and/or because the customs guy simply heard it wrong and the family just decided to go with it. Not really worth "correcting" it in such a case, imo.

This thread is the 'literally unbelievable' of av club comment boards.

What you don't realize is that this IS pretty much what happened. However, in the new timeline that time traveling, hitler-killing Tom Hanks created, little Tom Hanks grew up in a world in which the allies fought WW2 against Stalin. So Tom Hanks grew up making lots of WW2 movies in which the Soviets were the enemies.

From a technical/format pov there is no reason all that stuff is going to go away. The entire reason all that stuff now exists at your fingertips in the first place is due to everything going digital and the internet and ease of distribution etc etc. blah blah blah. Really, from a technical point of view everything

Not that your worries about compression are unfounded, (I couldn't stand a lot of early HDTV because of the terrible, terrible compression you often saw early on) but I think what people forget in these types of discussions is that the home experience has always been crap. And in terms of visuals at least, the

The film-like look of DSLR's has very little to do with the 'grain structure' of DSLRs and a lot to do with the fact that DSLR's have large sensors which range from a little smaller to actually slightly larger than super 35mm film. This means (as presumably you already know since you mention you own a dslr) you can

First off - it probably seems creepy that I am replying to your post moments after you posted it but rest assured that I have not been sitting at my computer the past 18 hours desperately waiting for somebody to respond to my post….

I'm not a member of the "hate Jim and Pam fan club" BUT:

Yeah, totally agree. I mean, what made that joke funny at the time was that Kevin IS NOT mentally retarded, but because holly was primed to think that he was, all his usual eccentricities made him seem like he was. ( and of course her condescending behavior was the other end of the joke.) However it's as if the

The thing that gets me about Gervais is that its become clear over time that the difference between the real him and David Brent is absolutely razor thin. Which wouldn't really be annoying if he were totally aware of that and just went with it. But he seems to think he is quite superior to all the idiots he loves to

@ Afghamistam - Agree with you but also think the other thing that generally gets totally lost in any athiest/agnostic discussion is that (in America anyway) 99% of the time the discussion of "do you believe in god?" actually means "Do you believe in the Christian/Jewish God?" So, ultimatley, for a lot of people where

Assuming that quote is somewhat accurate (too lazy to actually go find his review) I'd have to say that it's not one of his better trolls. His best nonsense trolls are the ones where he will play all the sexual/race/etc. cards against a beloved movie with a central complaint that is 99% buzz-word gibberish but 1%

Yeah that was a pretty bizzare moment. It wasn't really delivered like it was supposed to be all that funny and the characters didn't really seem to care. You wonder why they thought it was a good idea to sort of offhand mention that an ex-character was now dead.

That pretty much sums up my main issue with the office for the last 2 seasons.

The Lost World would not have been too bad had it made any sense at all. There is a lot of legitimately good set pieces but everything in-between makes no sense at all.

While characters not knowing about zombies in our zombie-obsessed world is a little odd, I feel like unless your show is a comedy, having them already know about zombies creates an even weirder believability problem.

The only way you can make Zombies over-running the military make sense is if the infection is so widespread by the time that people figure out what is going on that the military itself it widely infected. (Which is actually not that implausible seeing how in real life I think people would not easily come to accept

My problem with a lot of steampunk stuff, especially in mainstream films, is that you never end up with just a subtle aesthetic or a 'regular world' with a few steampunk elements - it always becomes this oppressive aesthetic where EVERYTHING needs to be steampunk. And, now that CGI makes it easy to do all this stuff,

Yeah I don't know why they would want to bring her back. She was actually the only candidate that didn't bring something new to the role. (I even liked Raymond's pathetic nice guy character) All the other people had some definable personality, she was pretty much a David Brent impersonation. (In other words "Watch me