
The irony that you are missing is that Ray Wise is playing an Old Testament god of some sort (AKA Jewish), and the car he provides her is a German car. He even tells the story of the Jews being persecuted and the Rabbi, to drive it home even more. No Jew wanted anything to do with a German made car for years after

While Chuck may have gotten the goods on Axe (or soon will), didn't his dad's all-in play inadvertently wipe-out his son's trust fund. It seems like Chuck was willing to lose $7 million to get Axe, but he didn't plan on losing $25 million. And yeah, it was $250K, not $25K.

This. Was. Terrible.

I wasted a half hour of my life watching this. I shoulda smoked a joint, instead of watching idiots talk about it.

"To see him cave, and murder an unarmed man, is absolutely devastating". I didn't see it as that. I saw it as justice on a "supposedly" trusted servant who keeps stealing. He gave him a chance once. Now that it appears he's stealing/selling timber for his own gain, Uhtred dispensed justice. Harsh? Without a doubt. But

B-? This was far & away the best episode this season, and a callback to the sharp writing of the early years. A strong B+, or even an A-.

And Leslie Uggams!

Really enjoyed this. Wished we had more Hendrix playing. Was that his entire setlist? Nothing from Rainbow Bridge?

This show started out fun, and I love Denis Leary, but this has turned into a mess. I'm outa here…

First CD: Grateful Dead "American Beauty". Had to hear Box of Rain on a CD.

I'm out. The guy is just a doosh. Why am I wasting time watching someone being a dick? And why is he cleaning a poop pool? There are thousands of pools all over, he's gonna take the time to clean the poop out of one? Each week I say I'll give it one more week. Lesson learned, it's not getting any better. Season Pass