Mojo Filter

It really depresses me to see The AV Club fall in for shameless clickbait. It wouldn't even bother me so much if it weren't for the peanut gallery comments.

"Bob Dylan's obnoxious crowing"

Red State had John Goodman in its cast. It couldn't be a total wash.

Sometimes people are much too quick to paint somebody as an asshole. It's frustrating.

Once again, Newswire posts a trailer for a film that I think looks very promising but the AV Club
commentariat posts nothing but snark towards.

It's not great, but it's a competent enough teenage romantic comedy that I wouldn't turn away from were it on television (and boy, is it ever!). How much of that is due to Rachel Leigh Cook, i'll leave up to you.

This has to be the case. If it were a true Bad Movie Night, An Extremely Goofy Movie would be on the menu instead.

I wish R.I.P.D looked better than it does.

Official "Norm MacDonald Live" podcast thread.

I saw an interview with him recently where he gave off the impression that he isn't a big fan of the television format because of it not being a cooperative experience. It made me think we won't be seeing him on any other television programs after Boardwalk.

Thanks! That will definitely creep me out, but I think I'll survive.

Oh god, I may not be able to handle this episode. When you say "J-horror", how bad are we talking? I can handle spoilers.

It's not that bad, really! It's obviously geared more towards the younger set, but that was the age group I was in when I first heard the song and it made me take more of an interest in Weird Al, so I could never really say anything bad about it. By far the worst of his polkas though, of course.

Huge guilty pleasure for me too. I get that it rubs some people the wrong way, but sending up one's public image usually gets a good reaction from me. Looking forward to seeing This Is The End when I can.

I've heard claims that I Walk Along Darkened Corridors from Apollo 18's Fingertips suite is Linnell doing a Morrissey impression dialed up to 11. Not sure if I buy it, but it's a funny suggestion.

It's funny you mention that. I remember driving around town with a friend of mine a few years ago while listening to the Classic Alternative station on my satellite radio. At one point, Dig For Fire started playing and this friend was insistent that it sounded a LOT like Talking Heads to him. I wish I had pressed him

Yikes, sorry. It's been a while since I've listened to it. I'll retreat to my corner.

It's certainly not as bad as its reputation would suggest. The only songs that bring down the quality for me are Toothless People and Here's Johnny.

Mick Jagger/Jackson 5's State Of Shock comes to mind.

I never thought the song sounded THAT much like TMBG either. I think the influence is more blatant lyrically than musically.