Louis Canon the loose cannon

Bryan Cranston alluded to Walt "needing" Hank in some capacity in an interview he did for this site. I like that we are watching Fring begin to sweat a little more.

"The hell is that? A lawnmower?"

I was really excited to see Walt concocting the ricin powder again. I really hope we see it used in some capacity this season.

My thought too. Didn't Tuco want to take Walt and Jesse down to Juarez to cook? Also, the twins from the previous season are from the same cartel that is giving Fring trouble now, right?

Crazy how Walt has gone from "I have cancer so fuck it all" recklessness to "my drug lord boss wants to kill me so fuck it all" recklessness.

You and Paul Verhoeven should talk.

Mike strikes me as the kind of guy who could muster the strength to rough a guy up a bit, early stages of cancer or not.

These are the stark and sad consequences of drug abuse, Miller.

Yes on both accounts.


Thanks for posting the review so early, Donna
And thanks for the write-up (as usual.) This is such a great place to discuss this amazing show.

I thought it a little slow… just a little. But the momentum is bound to pick up, I'm sure. Holy shit I am so glad to see this show again.

I agree. It was a tad slow, but considering how the show operates, I think this is all in the name of setting things up for bigger things.

Its the part he was born to play, baby.

How is babby formed?

Easy there, partner. Out on the trail we call it the runs.

Eggplants, Miller? What are you trying to say? Do you hate cans!? HE HATES CANS!

Steve Martin would make an awesome Somali pirate.
