Louis Canon the loose cannon

That was a deleted scene.

Jane Fonda is the Besteros.

Start calling them cheese eating surrender monkeys. That'll learn em.

Start calling them cheese eating surrender monkeys. That'll learn em.

Tom Arnold is dead?

Tom Arnold is dead?

(no sarcasm here, I mean it.) Yeah, that critic you're referring to might be right about the portrayal of poverty. I guess it, like many films of its ilk, grind against the notion of what exactly a film is suppose to be/do? It is unfair of me to throw stones at it having not viewed it in its entirety. Maybe I just

I didn't find Who's Your Daddy to be pretentious so much as pedantic. Particularly in the manner it portrays the protagonists existential crisis manifested in his obsession with wooing girls.

You and me both Steve. That scene in Gummo is nasty and weird as shit. Then the one part where the same weird kid is "seducing" the mentally challenged girl? Seriously, movie, what the fuck? I learn about this movie two weeks ago and now I feel like I need to yak every time I think of it. Blech.

I was an extra on the set of Contagion and managed to get my picture taken with Mr. Damon. In person, he is kind of short—just shy of six feet—and wasn't AS handsome as one would think. Still, he was a nice guy and all.

Hey! Don't…fuck with me, man…

I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus it is "what IS a Jeanne Kirkpatrick."

Aw but that movie is hilarious though!

Neat feature. Any word on another happening?

You mean like Bobby Jindal? (baby steps, 'bilities)

Anything for my princess!

Well jeez! Thanks for spoiling it for us!