
How my hair look, Mike?

Hello from the future. I just finished Lincoln in the Bardo, and it is a stunning and bracing question of mortality and love. It's not that nobody has ever before realized and written about how everything and everyone we love, including ourselves, will die. They've never done it quite this way, though. It's like

It's the same "Jews are money-lending userers" bullshit that's been around since long before Shylock in Merchant of Venice, and continues to be used by antisemites around the globe today. I'm not willing to play it off as inconsequential when jewish community centers are getting bomb threats and occasional active

I always get Eve of Destruction and Time Zone's "World Destruction" mixed up, at least in name. There's no way to sonically mistake a 60s protest song with a Johnny Rotten/Afrika Bambaata jam.

Tyler got a lot of radioplay too. Maybe just in Texas though. I Come From The Water too, to a much lesser extent.

Along those same lines - Barry McGuire's "Eve of Destruction," which honestly works just fine today too.

Exactly. Think of the best tv shows you've ever watched. The Wire. Breaking Bad. The Americans. etc etc. On these shows, everything happens for a reason, even if you don't know it at the time you see it. There's an economy of storytelling and a purpose behind what you are shown, and the characters act with

The passages about anhedonia made me rexamine my life and think about how I process and react to everything that happens. The amount of detail and honesty DFW uses in those passages was chilling and helped me think about feelings in general.

If she's in Kansas City, she's technically in Missouri!

A lawfirm's partnership agreement will not allow a non-partner to retain an ownership stake after retirement. That would violate bar rules prohibiting non-practicing attorneys from ownership of law firms. In order to get out of the malpractice insurance problem, HHM needs Chuck to leave the practice of law, which

There's a flaw with the Chuck storyline: If he were to retire, as Howard suggested, the firm would be required to pay out Howard's share of the firm, ie the $8mil. Since Chuck states HHM doesn't have the cash, ironically, the firm would be better off if he _didn't_ retire.

There's no narrative purpose to the coffee shop storyline, so I bet you're right.

The lack of logic and divorce from reality is really affecting my enjoyment of this season. Every guard in the prison (including the warden) just sitting on their thumbs while a riot takes place. Guards lacking any weaponry whatsoever. No guards/police/SWAT team responding to a prison riot. An uploaded video that

"Colin Powell will also be attending Hooli-Con, and gerts"

It's real, and it's terrifying.

It has never made sense to me why, in fatty fat fat America of all places, the deep fried meat ravioli has not become popular anywhere outside of St. Louis. You even get to dip it in marinara sauce, people!

I love that Jin-Yang calls him "Eric." Kills me every time.

You do. Oh, you do.

Everything you say here makes sense. It's probably not a trap set by Tuan.

Who is the person sitting in the car as the Jennings and Tuan walk toward Pacha's house? My suspicion is that Tuan is setting them up. The bus ride to Pennsylvania was not actually to call a family member. Tuan knew that Elizabeth and Peter would go to Pacha's house to try to stop the wrist-slitting, and this is a