The Batman

I'm partial to seeing Michael Cera as Daredevil.

Daredevil is a pussy.

Are you suggesting that I steal cable? You do know that's a crime, right? I'm pretty firmly anti-crime.

Shut up you whiny baby. Shameless is very entertaining, and is one of the primary reasons I finally coughed up the money to have Showtime installed in my mansion… er, I mean cave.

Close to 12 hours since this was posted and there are 31 conversations, no decent firsties, no gimmicks, and no heated insult contests with unregistered commenters.

Mr. Milksteaks,

Good thing you took the time to post that. You're so cool.

Yeah, I need to try it out. That game looks sweet, and I'm pretty stoked that Bioware released a demo BEFORE a game came out for once.

Here's a fucking idea, how about waiting until AVclub reviews the goddamn game before you start bashing the review.

Say what you will, Sum Guy, but insults hurled from behind your unregistered facade will not dissuade my purpose. A gimmick? Perhaps, but some degree of theatricality will always, unfortunately, be necessary.

Oh great. Who let you out of the nursing home?

Don't worry Shore Patrol. I broke RAF's fingers. Never will he soil one of these boards again.

I'm not sure that I like how The Green Goblin has his wings set up. Do I smell a copyright infringement lawsuit?

Yes they were. Nowadays you can't get a superhero without a little teen angst mixed in.

Laugh now ricin beans. See what happens to those who play 'jokes' on me…

Perhaps if you ask nicely, Ashton Kutcher will find himself dangling by his feet from a telephone pole… with explicit instructions not to be in this movie.

I would like to politely disagree.

Caped Crusader? Who is that?

Spiderman is a homo.
Captain America is a fascist.
The X-men, more like the "Why?-Men"

We all know who would win.