Jack Orion

…referring to the Beta Band by the way, not RATM.

I saw them on their farewell tour at UEA. They were great, but the sound was terrible. One guy at the bar asked me what I thought of the gig; I reiterated the above.
I later saw that same guy behind the sound desk…whoopsie!
Mind you, the sound did steadily improve throughout the set.

I agree with DM and CT, I think another NMH release could only disappoint. If the studio/bedroom releases just aren't enough for you, try out Mangum's last performance at the King's Arms, NZ (if you haven't already).

His voice reminds me slightly of Arthur Russell. If you enjoy Antony, check out Russell's "Soon-To-Be Innocent Fun/Let's See" on World of Echo.
Anyone with a prominently unique voice is going divide musos, whether they are technically good (like Antony, Tom Waits) or not (Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Dylan).