
Amazing the power of a great song.

King vs. King.  Heisenberg vs. Walter White.  Heisenberg wins.  All Hail the King.

No biggie for me.  I'll do the same thing I did for Breaking Bad.  I'll enjoy the first half of the season.  Then I'll forget about it as I enjoy the many other wonderful distractions to my miserable life.  Then I'll rewatch the first half right before the second half begins airing and enjoy that too. Rinse. Repeat.

I don't think Marie and Jr. could hear Walt's end of the conversation.  Only the police were listening in.  My impression was that Marie knew Hank was dead based on Skyler's reaction (crying) after asking Walt about Hank.

seaants, but Jesse was using a script.  The one he and Hank wrote.

I imagine they weren't cutting to Jesse because it better conveys things from Walt's point of view…that Jesse is with the money.  Showing him sitting in Hank's car would greatly diminish that effect.

A few random thoughts (that might be repeats):

I loved the way they did Jesse's part.  First, you never see him during the entire sequence.  Second, they forgo the fake "voice over the phone" sound, which isn't really necessary because we already know he's on the phone.  It's very effective because it's such a key exchange of dialogue between the characters that

It could end for you now if you want.  No more waiting necessary.

Actually it was pot that helped the Beatles peak (Rubber Soul and Revolver).  My guess is that these kids are already doing pot.  Doesn't seem to be helping.

That last one will end with the line, "Baby, you are gonna miss that toilet."

That last one will end with the line, "Baby, you are gonna miss that toilet."

Maybe you should take a seat behind your comments.

I've never watched the show, but vote all the time.

Agreed on Juliet.  Monday night's song choices did her in.  "Go Your Own Way" also might have worked for her in a "Roxanne" kind of way.  "I Want You Back" would have been a great solo choice for anyone in Jermaine's group.

My groan nearly woke the kids when Carson said the words Born to Be Wild.  They weren't in danger when Freebird was let loose because it was only stunned silence from me.  This wrongheaded song choice, combined with the pretentiousness she exuded last night, has me worried Juliet is in for a downfall tonight.

"Making Time" in Rushmore.

Darjeeling also had This Time Tomorrow.

Team poaching would interesting, but remember that in many cases, it is the singer that picked the coach.  In fact, it might be more interesting to allow a singer to pick a new coach. A coach poach!

Everyone is saying it should have been Jamar vs. Juliet in the finals,
but I think last night's results are a pretty good indication of how
that would have turned out.  In effect, the Jamar vs Juliet match-up WAS
the finals.  The victor is the one likely to take it all.