
25 May 2010 | 12:23 PM CDT
why do you need to feel you're not alone in your peer group? who gives a fuck what other people think?

agreee with this:
"I always felt like Carlin's delivery was more of a bemused cynicism." I don't get that same vibe from Cross.

50 whole minutes? oof… sounds rough. may check it out though, thx.

does anyone else
hate cross? i get that most of you love him so keep the backlash to a dull roar but i need to feel like i'm not alone in my peer group. i really like him on arrested dev, but his stand-up is vile. in interviews, he really comes off as faux intellectual and high on his own hype. jus sayin…

rolling a donut/snake vest line
is my favorite, most quoted line from that movie.

Roused from his peaceful slumber and forced by bear prod to stand on his haunches and allow reporters to pet him at Cannes,

surely the things for which to hate upon in L.A. are many. can we not solve this problem with a specialty "hate L.A." column?

word of advice before moving to Hell-A… NEVER CHANGE YOUR ASSLIFT!


i'm hating this. say it ain't so.

Tim, Tim, Tim… let's not ruin what we have with words.

15 MARCH 2010 | 4:48 PM CDT
Mgmt seems to be the perfect example of a negative feminist stereotype. Well done. You go girl!

But you guys!!! Ellie is a feminist… she'll totally make out with other girls at the bar so guys will notice her!

Ellie: the Dr. Phil of evolutionary theory

As a sociobio anthropology student:

everything about this is too easy to make fun of. kinda lowering the bar, celebrities… now i just feel sorta bad for you. like when britney shaved her head. it's like making fun of people with disabilities.

dead-on JVS.

BODI or JOHNNY UTAH??? A question for the ages.

Carlo: that is the joke.

Nominations for most desperate to be labeled a hipster: Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher, Every dude from Gossip Girl, etc. ad nauseum.