

can we all note soce's main reference here is "8 mile"? this SLAYS ME.

-"Wouldja like some condescention?"

i know, something about that method stayed with me… i've never heard of someone being murdered that way before or since, and it just strikes me as really odd. as a kid, i just accepted it like, "oh, seems practical." but really, wtf pike?


Emily Withrow:
@ Christopher Pike, seconded.

no, the CRAZED CLOWN SURGEON is most def the scariest part of that movie bar none.

Blair Witch Project vs. The Ring/Ringu
I have a theory that hasn't been cracked yet because people always seem to find one of these two movies unbelievably scary and the other not one bit scary. It's one of those polarazing things, though I can't seem to figure out what makes them opposing styles of horror. You can

childhood imagination
this theme seems to produce the most disturbing images, probably due to a child's attempts to make sense of a world they don't yet understand. i remember two movies specifically that still seem terrifying to me still:

my buddies and I just did a screening of "the Thing" and even though it doesn't shake me up all that much, it is a damn fine movie. not to mention the frozen fox that is kurt russell + beard in that era.

AMERICANA such as: Tom Petty and the heartbreakers, Springsteen, Whiskeytown, Ryan Adams (heartbreaker-Jacksonville City Nights), Gram Parsons (including work with the Byrds and Flying Burrito Brothers), Wilco, William Elliot Whitmore (in stark mid-west esp.) etc…

was your reviewer friend familiar with nick cave's other work? he's bafflingly licentious but i don't get the misogynist vibe from him. actually the first thing i thought was man, this book sounds pretty good. especially the way he reads it. dripping with depravity.

nah, he's a really nice dude. to each his own. and he's a fucking good drummer too.

it's not much of one.

the arctic monkeys are ok, i guess
but if you're going to see one of their shows, you'd be wise to get there early enough to catch the modey lemon-arguably pittsburgh's best local act at the moment.

i'm really beating the dead horse here, but you should have asked about the twin peaks character. if only for the insight on david lynch. that's disappointing.

most patient-therapist relations are of course nowhere near this intimate, read: sappy. but that's not to say that patients and therapists never form close, if inappropriate bonds. oftentimes, those are the most beneficial theraputic relationships though they often end abruptly when the therapist recognizes their

whether or not you find the slightly greasy, intentionally unflashy look on the models attractive is besides the point.

Quaid is a fucking dreamboat.

she's great. that's all.