
the edgar in chinatown scene (followed by the edgar in fireworks scene) made me feel as good as a tv show should ever make you feel

Thanks, Kent's autism

some thoughts:

silicon valley is hysterlichal

Two IMDB searches later, Vince realized that Luke really was the funny one.

i watched 90 seconds of this show
The basics of a poker hand are very simple and yet tv shows just cannot get things right. The most common mistake is the "I see your bet and raise you" situation which is called string betting and isn't allowed. In Suits, after a guy checked, the next guy said "raise" which is

i like the idea of stars
but not the new opening credits. did i miss that last week?

1,000 words
the killing described in a randomly paused screenshot:

[after offering linden a cigarette]
holder: damn, we back to that now huh? alright, fine. it's more for me and jack. heh. just joking linden.


almost every good scene/quote/storyline involves holder. i won't watch a second season without him.

Calvin and Hobbes
Do Calvin and Hobbes books count? I could reread those comics every week and always enjoy them.

the national
The song playing at the opening of the show is 'Exile Vilify' by the National. (h/t @gavinbarclay)

the omatepe 5 not named rob were the worst survivor players i've ever seen. there was a 100% chance of rob winning if he got to the end and none of them did anything about it. they could have made a move any vote from about 7 people left. it's not that i don't like rob. it's that i'd like to see an actual game

almost everyone from better off ted has been on a show (or a commercial in roses's case) except ted. seeing lem appear right after phil (through the magic of dvr) brought back memories.

i agree. ron swanson doesn't seem like the person to dip his steak into anything (or put anything on it).

bumble & mumble
so tom haverford has been pretty freaking awesome the last few episodes. he's getting close to andy territory (ron is still streets ahead).

lieutenant daniels, the fact that his goons were still there made it so much worse: we know they aren't going to drown so let's hang out at the limo for a while. unfortunately, harry dunne is a better shot than either of us. at least we didn't have to wait for hours before they climbed out.

a flair for the theatrical
" at least he was ready to pull the trigger without stalling by way of grandiose sermonizing."

i thought he had mentioned it to one person last episode, but i must be wrong. since that's the case, it does make a little more sense.