
that only really started this last season and it was very annoying.. Prior to that, it was not that obvious.. Hope they clean up the language some this season…

I think they lost its audience when it went too deep and serialized.. Some of us kept up were rewarded by a show that liked to globe-trot with locations all over,, However, I can see why the ratings dropped like a rock as it was tough to follow and was hard to suck in new viewers… I guess that's a problem with most

I believe the started in New Mexico before Break Bad did… Loved the scenery on that one as well.. A breezy cop oriented show.

I so agree on the music though I like everything he does but I also noticed the amazing score for this specific episode..

Not sure how you cancel a show that in Season 4 you started an after show for??

20 years ago she was a little active. Gillian is now too old to even consider for an action movie,, Her current X-Files action consists of walking around shining a flashlight. Huddleston should be it.. A tour de force in Night Manager..

Us Americans fans are used to Liz seducing but I agree with other posters that her latest mission shook her up and maybe Tim's Left-wing Christianity may not be too bad.. Unlike more Liturgical denominations, Tim's church only wants you to sing, listen to sermons which are more self-help types, and do good works..

Another A Episode written by Joshua Brand. I think all of his have been A's..

Fargo is in a different class because of cast changes and fewer episodes. Americans and BCS have characters continuing. Americans ahead of BCS IMO because of more episodes and deeper plot.

How old was Sophie Turner when her character was raped??

summer is now here and it is a good time to catch up on shows you might not have had time with.. Summer TV is mostly filled with reality or repeats with some exception. Outland is worth the Starz subscription

Not that fantastic as it's order was cut and we won't see it till January.

I agree… the worst episode of The Americans is better than most anything else.. But I suppose The Americans has its own curve..

beat me to it…. like how this show does seem to to tie up loose ends..

My first reaction to Major Tom was Deutchland 83 which also had a plot element of almost starting a war because of bogus info. D83 timeframe was the start of this season till sometime after the time jump ending during the summer.

My biggest chuckle was his character has the same name as my ex's current husband, a former sleazy lawyer..

I thought that word wasn't known in this time??? Maybe it's known in France but not Scotland??

not much action here either.. a great show but in a tough timeslot for live viewing..

It's always a problem with high serialized shows like OB that children on these shows outgrow the plot.. Look at The Americans which is 4 seasons in but only 2 years of time which makes it tough to hide child actors growing up

As a fan of the show, you pointed out several inconsistencies that really bothered me… I get it maybe… she's eats a can on Spinach to get the super-duper extra stength to lift the fort.. I think they ran out of time/story to do it right..