
I also enjoyed the Slum Dog post credit dance party!!

Vic(Michael Mando) is busy on Better Call Saul where's he's terrific as well

my DVR cut early for some reason.. I usually record 3 over but not tonight… I am recording the 3am showing again to see credits and previews…

Saving Hope starting Erica Durance is finishing up its 5 year run this summer.. It has been a pretty good show and definitely Canadian. Normally the showing on the ION network in USA have been delayed by almost a year but the final season is almost in sync with the Canadian showings.. Interestingly in this DVR age

they probably put some gas in the car off screen so not a problem to me… they probably brought some out there in one of the cop cars..

DVR solves all these problems anyway…. Most modern DVR's these days can handle multiple… Mine can do 5 at once..

I remember when they announced New Coke, stocking up big time on the old stuff.. I think I bought about 6 cases ( I drank sugary drinks back then).. Before I had ran out of my stash, the backlash that created "Coke Classic" happened and I was never forced to drink New Coke..

Definitely early spring since Prep Schools start accepting new students then.. esp elite ones like Henry wants to go to.. Having Henry off to school is a handy way to hide his height for the last season.

Saul's life before BB was completely blank which made it great for this show. They could invent anything and weave in BB characters..

I think he should have had everyone watch Mr Holland's Opus with Frank Gallagher as the hardass..

he's been fun on Suits as well..

I wonder if Olivia Cooke had other jobs that prevented her from spending too much time this season. Since all of scenes were with Dylan or alone on the phone, they could have been done anytime.. As a featured star of the show, she's had less screen time than Marion it seems who was only in 2 episodes.

Get yourself a ROKU hooked to a TV.. It looks great on my 60"+ 4K… you can go backwards and forwards but maybe that's because I sprung for the 9.99 price.. Watching with the commercial stops was obnoxious.. Folks can always sign up and cancel when this show is over if nothing else on the site interests you…

maybe he should have gone all "Officer and a Gentleman" mode and had it out martial arts style..

I am afraid after years of 24 and of stuff like Homeland, we expect it… I do think DS did go beyond those shows by nearly wiping out the government of US.. Note during the recent Trump speech to Congress they made a big deal especially I would guess on ABC(I didn't watch it on ABC) who the DS was that night ..

I doubt there were many regular viewers of SG that would have skipped this..

Yeh… it's caused HUGE problems on The Americans….. NOT…

Nice comment somewhere else that he directed his old "boss" from here… Richard Thomas… in the latest episode.. Billions is pretty good… another good NY shot show..

Maybe if the show is cancelled (likely), they can redo the final scene for video watching and have it be Frank!!! None the less, I watched this show because of the movie and hung with it all the way..