
Big Jim's best line to me was the Dexter one after Julia stuck the hypo into Barbie!!! Ha Ha… Her hypo didn't work as well as Dex's!!! At least they kept it in the CBS family since Showtime is a sister network to CBS…

I had read they were going to time jump to the fall of the Berlin Wall… How about a little "Tear Down that Wall" from POTUS???? I have a feeling that when they show this in Germany, it will do very well… All the disadvantages of subtitles will not be an issue..

A few points about the last episode of Halt and Catch Fire…

I was a little dubious how the funding was working as well… It basically was a timesharing system and time was being paid..

This episode made it for me with the song at the end…

I wonder if the Jennings will be involved in it this next season on The Americans????

This story is making me wonder if The Americans will cover some of these events next season since they'll be in the correct time in history.. Maybe the Jennings will be searching for the war plans and dealing with their country shooting down a passenger jet.. Meanwhile, I agree that last night was pretty good…

This is a another great episode but not shocked that her company was stolen.. It's a shame that the technology that they are excited about was fairly common… One difference was in the mid 80's, services like CompuServe and early AOL were still metered… I think Mutiny was not… Makes you wonder about the economics

Hell on Wheels was on Saturday night???? It opened strong this weekend as well

I was thinking the same thing reading this after watching tonight… This reviewer has to go… Missing a key detail that he didn't know who was driving the car was a big part of that last episode is pretty bad…

I was expecting one of the Masters children to be mixed race… Not sure if Libby and Bill had been having regular sex… Maybe Bill Masters is being like another Bill….. Hendrickson except there's no Viagra in the 60's to keep him going…

Dell was already going strong in 1985 so once again this show is trying to show their big new ideas as something already going…. I still can't figure how Mutiny is getting connections anyway… How are they paying for all the phone lines??? How can someone not agree with the creator the first Warp Speed space ship and

Only a handful of voters for this episode 12+ hrs after it was on??? I'd be curious what kind of numbers Sundance is getting??? Not that it makes a difference since show has been renewed… I like it when I can enjoy a show not worrying about its fate… Rectify is in the same boat.. I can launch into it knowing

Alex and that screaming German was thrilling to me.. Reminded me of hearing those WWII era screaming speeches by AH.. And the topper was the realization that his Grandfather was a Nazi.. Maybe the German language is good for screaming scenes???

Apple's first attempt to break into the business world was something called the Apple III which was bought by folks who wanted to use VisiCalc… It was overpriced and pretty lousy… It died with IBM PC came out…

I wondered about that as well… Still enjoying it though I have to pay closer attention due to subtitles… Tougher to multi-task with this show…

I can read and enjoyed the first 2 episodes of Deutschland 83… As noted… it is on Sundance…

Since AMC On Demand on my cable (Xfinity) is user friendly in that you can FF through commercials, this show may bet a fair amount of delayed viewing… I am enjoying this season far more than Season 1 even if these big new ideas of the show were somewhat old hat by 1985 especially chat rooms…

The interesting thing is the consumer service was tons cheaper than the commercial service.. On the commercial side, we charged customers both time and CPU use while online.. Bigger customers would sign contracts to fix their costs… AOL was the first to fix the monthly costs and eventually that was the model… You

Exactly… I worked at CompuServe commercial timesharing at the time and we thought the off-hours service was a joke since our commercial customers paid 10x for our services.. We had an intern that got into CB and used it for dates at our office in NYC…