
Treme may not get big ratings but who cares????  it's on HBO and they have given it one more season to finish up which is probably about right…   But for this person who did not know all the New Orleans lore, this has been a treat these 3 seasons so far..

Treme may not get big ratings but who cares????  it's on HBO and they have given it one more season to finish up which is probably about right…   But for this person who did not know all the New Orleans lore, this has been a treat these 3 seasons so far..

only problem I could see was too much elevation and distance for Eastern LI…

only problem I could see was too much elevation and distance for Eastern LI…

Good to see the writers paying attention to online bloggers… ha ha…

Good to see the writers paying attention to online bloggers… ha ha…

Good things about this episode for me..

Good things about this episode for me..

Sprint was had tons of product placement during season 3…  My guess is by 23 years ahead, burner phones would be still around..  But they must be super phones like Mulder had to stay alive so long and get service in the middle of nowhere…

Sprint was had tons of product placement during season 3…  My guess is by 23 years ahead, burner phones would be still around..  But they must be super phones like Mulder had to stay alive so long and get service in the middle of nowhere…

Not Marlins…  they just built a new stadium and had increased attendance….  Rays would be a good bet because of their lousy stadium and fanbase….    I really enjoyed this first episode…   Looks like a fun show that could move to Sunday night if 666 Park doesn't cut it..

Not Marlins…  they just built a new stadium and had increased attendance….  Rays would be a good bet because of their lousy stadium and fanbase….    I really enjoyed this first episode…   Looks like a fun show that could move to Sunday night if 666 Park doesn't cut it..

I watched about 10-15 minutes of this show and it is clear why PBS needs to be defunded…  Obama portrayed as great wonderful thinking young man ( with no southern black accent like he shows off now and then)..  Romney as a company man who makes money for investors by laying off workers..      No real balance IMO.. 

I watched about 10-15 minutes of this show and it is clear why PBS needs to be defunded…  Obama portrayed as great wonderful thinking young man ( with no southern black accent like he shows off now and then)..  Romney as a company man who makes money for investors by laying off workers..      No real balance IMO.. 

that was a bit much but sorta like one of the Dillon football games..  The only time they showed losing much was when the East Dillon team started and they looked like that other LL team…

that was a bit much but sorta like one of the Dillon football games..  The only time they showed losing much was when the East Dillon team started and they looked like that other LL team…

except of course in Sarah's case….

except of course in Sarah's case….

I was wondering as she walked into that pizza place where she got the dough to fly last minute from Ithaca to SF/Oakland??? But then I checked and was surprised that it wasn't that expensive ( less than $700 which isn't that bad for a last minute cross-country flight)…

I was wondering as she walked into that pizza place where she got the dough to fly last minute from Ithaca to SF/Oakland??? But then I checked and was surprised that it wasn't that expensive ( less than $700 which isn't that bad for a last minute cross-country flight)…