
I too wonder where this show could go though it is fun to do a show about Hollywood that pokes fun at it…   I guess it could only exist on Pay since it can pretty much do whatever it wants..

I too wonder where this show could go though it is fun to do a show about Hollywood that pokes fun at it…   I guess it could only exist on Pay since it can pretty much do whatever it wants..

CLOO is that…

Enjoyed the real life location shoot at Sty Park, a block away from where I lived years ago..   I'd live in that area again if I had to be in NYC…

Enjoyed the real life location shoot at Sty Park, a block away from where I lived years ago..   I'd live in that area again if I had to be in NYC…

She's got Hardison

She's got Hardison

I am not sure what USA expected for this show dumped in the middle of Sunday night in the summer with many other high profile shows that probably are in the same demo…    The high concept shows like BB, Longmire, Army Wives, and Great Escape are all in the same timeslot along with whatever stuff the regular networks

I am not sure what USA expected for this show dumped in the middle of Sunday night in the summer with many other high profile shows that probably are in the same demo…    The high concept shows like BB, Longmire, Army Wives, and Great Escape are all in the same timeslot along with whatever stuff the regular networks

My first thought!!!   Air Force 1 crashing and all except it seems that it was a real accident not a terrorist plot with a missile shooting down AF1…

My first thought!!!   Air Force 1 crashing and all except it seems that it was a real accident not a terrorist plot with a missile shooting down AF1…

It is amazing to read these reviews and comments on early Fringe episodes especially what this show has become…  Looking at this episode again 4 years later, you see how great it was and setup so much of the mythology…    I wonder why AV doesn't go back to active shows like Fringe and go over episodes in light of what

I too have found at recent Wilfred's more enjoyable than Louie..

I too have found at recent Wilfred's more enjoyable than Louie..

gotta keep Ted happy

gotta keep Ted happy

Why didn't Susan get a job at Massive Dynamics???

Why didn't Susan get a job at Massive Dynamics???

guys can go topless on basic cable TV… not women directly and probably Mack has an image..  Obviously, she was under the sheets on Smallville with various characters but never showed anything..   Probably to keep it that way.. I too thought it was odd to see her dressed in bed with Ryan..

guys can go topless on basic cable TV… not women directly and probably Mack has an image..  Obviously, she was under the sheets on Smallville with various characters but never showed anything..   Probably to keep it that way.. I too thought it was odd to see her dressed in bed with Ryan..