
I so agree….  I was attracted to this show in the first place from her older roles but she has made me forget them…  This is what she'll be known for going forward…   Great job!!!!  She could easily go to other jobs as a hot-looking bad ass heroine…  You couldn't have said that from her Everwood and Brothers and

I wonder if Alexis will run into fellow Columbia now alum Meadow who needed to make sure she could stay in a TV show by going to the fancy Ivy League school in NYC rather than California… 

I am curious after watching this and having them setup a season 2 if some backroom discussion told the writers this winter to expect a second season.. I mean it's not as if the ratings were that great in the fall..  Do we know if this show is selling overseas???  One thing that saves shows that have so-so ratings in

I think she'll go Meadow Soprano and it'll be Columbia so she can stay in the show..

Don't forget, we are only a few days after the end of the season so we presume he's still in hospital but his name is now cleared after Stan beat the crap out of him..

Loved Jackie aping Elaine Miller in "Almost Famous" hugging Anita ( played by now-famous Zooey Deschanel)…  !!!  Hard to believe the season is almost over….. Interesting though that CBS is not showing TGW during  May Sweeps????

Megan has great taste in bakeries…  My mom loved Greenberg's and brought stuff back from NYC from there to LI whenever she was near it on the upper East Side ( Madison Ave)..

I am curious how real Siobhan was admitted to the hospital???  What name….  Insurance card???  all those kinds of details people normally have to have to get anything done at a hospital…  Is she still using her Martin health insurance????    I guess Andrew doesn't check his EOB's….    I guess in France, she didn't

I can never figure out why people with opinions like yours even watch??? Is it because you are a Showtime subscriber and feel you have to watch everything to get your money's worth???   Obviously, you are in the minority otherwise Showtime wouldn't have signed up for another season…    There are many of us who enjoy

I still wonder if CW gave writers a heads up that they'll be no season 2 to create a series finale without  any sort of cliffhanger… Maybe 2 versions created???  One with and one without????  It's a good thing Bridget isn't that curious and seems to always stop short of checking rooms where her sister is hiding…

Have you watched hockey on the big screen HD TV's of today???  It is so much better and the slow mo replays show you exactly what happened…  that being said, I still enjoy being at games..

All the cliffhanger will have to sit there a few weeks since Country Music next Sunday and repeat the following Sunday(Easter/Masters)…  Mad Men regular time slot is 10pm on AMC with The Killing at 9pm

I felt compelled to watch this due to my love of Kiefer and 24 but really… since I was watching delayed on DVR due to BB, it was a tough watch…   I guess every show will have all of these strands linked together(Touched) by the kid..

The preview gives the impression that finally the sisters face each other again but it's probably a fake-out…    I will wonder if CW told TPTB of this show to wrap it up so the sisters have to meet and the truth comes out..   No horses in this show that would cause a second season to be scrapped after a second season

she looks back next week

That's a silly comment walking into such a serialized show and expecting to understand what it's about..  it's actually very different than most CBS dramas in that the continuing storylines  dominate more so than many of the others..  it's also different than most CBS stuff in the actor quality, especially the

The reviewer told me everything I needed to know when he used "verisimilitude"…  I for one enjoyed and have missed seeing AJ in these roles..  She looks damn good as well for mid 40's…  Note that 10MM showed up for its first showing and unlike Charlies Angels where you had to suspend belief in the Angels, AJ in an

That movie was shot at my high school.. 

What a real shame that they have decided to ditch this show after a horse died after being walked….. That accident could have happened on anything that included horses… I could maybe see if another horse went down during a racing scene but this wasn't…   I was one that really enjoyed this show…  Oh well.. I wonder if

TWC is the worst cable company I've had the misfortune to use… I have XFINITY at my other home and the DVR is so much more responsive and easy to schedule..  The worst is the cable box itself is a POS that freezes constantly and is otherwise sluggish… I used to have the problem with Comcast at my other home but no