
I wonder if Gabe has a big discount with NetJet since a quick look at schedules revealed that it is impossible to get from Tallahassee to Scranton after 5pm on commercial airlines…. ??  :)

I was thinking the same thing…  I watched Pan Am but since it's walking dead it seems, paid not too much attention… it is still pretty…

they went up one level by having FBI < DHS vs in Die Hard LAPD < FBI…  I guess if Leverage had a bigger budget, they could have had real fireworks and helicopters!!!!  Leverage is a great show…

Why would a non-lawyer have to be at a law firm anyway other than for TV show purposes…

A great series looking at the inside world of the NHL that only close up cameras can see..  You gotta wonder if a 24/7 show about a big NBA game would work the same????  First of all, NHL rosters are bigger so there are more guys to follow around and learn about…   I also think the nature of the players is different… 

I wonder if they purposely skipped giving Rosen and the MSG Network crew some exposure due to the fight with Time Warner Cable  ( HBO is a Time Warner company)…????

I thought the idea was the pre-nup was invalid because she was crazy preggers so she'll get half instead of what the pre-nup said…  They just have to get their crooked doctor to say she was when she wasn't…  I wonder if they'll use the same doctor as Ringer did… I'm sure they run in the same circles in the Hamptons…

She also is Mrs Johnson on The Closer…  She seemed so much shorter on this show though…. She and Kyra are about the same height… Craig T Nelson is pretty tall!!!

And Camille had her moments in earlier season…  Let her rest a bit… 

In raising my son, I was often in Adam's shoes where a big event that was important to me as well as good for my son was often used as a punishment by his mother and taken away by her.. I can remember a number of times I had to be like Adam and explain why one of my children was missing… It certainly is stressful… One

and she was the writer on a recent well received episode of Once Upon a Time..

I wonder if the writers picked up on comments about the immortal dog in the early season and are now using them in the show???   I kind of laughed when Emily mentioned something along those lines walking into the bar…  I don't remember that fact being discussed on the show… only in fan comments…  I do wonder how Emily

Don't forget, the world of the previous show of Homeland's producers ran through Presidents like water over its years and all sorts of bad stuff happened to them ( plane crashes, poison, acid, strokes, etc…) so you just don't know…

This episode had several very recognizable Charlotte backgrounds…

that's called a guest role…  they probably finished shooting Dexter this summer so she got another gig… big deal…  she really didn't have much to do or say in that Good Wife episode anyway except it turned out she lost her case due to trickery.. It's like Marshall from In Plain Sight on Blue Bloods… 

this is a summer show that saves a few episodes for the fall… it'll be back in the late spring/early summer..  Royal Pains and White Collar are also summer shows that have in their case, early winter seasons…  It seems like the cable nets pop them in there after the main networks start repeating but it doesn't really

Caitlin reminds me of the opposing attorney a couple of years back that was cute and bubbly but it hid the shark inside…  she seemed that way before the case blew up when Canning stole the email and used it….

She looked so much better than her last TV appearance that I saw which was  on Rescue Me but that took her cancer fight and made it a character…  she looked great I thought last night…

I finally caught up to this week's episode and another decent outing….  for those interested in locations, the show has been shot in and around Charlotte this year…  I drive by the house used as the diplomat's every morning on the way to work…    they must have just wrapped not too long ago since  I saw a Homeland

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