
Catching up here, I wonder if the Ken Burns and the BE creators timed things correctly… When BE introduced Remus in episode 1, soon after, Remus was a major figure in the Ken Burns Prohibition film on PBS..  It's pretty interesting to watch that film in context to the BE story…

Watched Homeland last night….  WOW!!!  It doesn't pay to be working for the CIA as a live in madame…  but it turns out she only got killed because the guy give her expensive jewels…

In my view, the only thing similar about this show and VM is some very rich and blond hair…   It would take 2 Kristin Bells to reach Emily Van Camp(height wise anyway!!)…   Veronica was never out for revenge just justice… Plus she had no money just hung out with rich people…  Maybe you have VM on your mind after

maybe they will wait until the show is really on at 9pm instead of 9:35….  I usually set my DVR to record long since I'm travelling on Sundays but as I noticed how long the NFL was over-running last night, I had to login to TWC website to bump my DVR over-run even longer… Now that Andy Rooney is retired, maybe CBS can

I think if this show was on NBC instead of ABC, we might see a RP cross-over…  Hank-Med to the rescue!!  I am enjoying this show….  The only huge hole as has been pointed out is the dog.. but….WTH… it's just TV and my guess is the dog thing will be one of the items that reveals who she really is to others

From what I understand, Weeds still draws good numbers despite being panned by many… Being on Showtime, they can do whatever they want really… The only thing that matters are subscriptions and how it works financially….

I enjoyed this show and it fits me..   I am not a Mentalist fan….  any show that features NYC as its background is OK by me…    Maria Bello was great…  always one of my favorite second tier actresses who seems to do good work..

where was Drew during the sleepover??? 

Watching late…
Nice thing about On Demand is I can catch up on stuff while out of town when I get home.. Another great episode of a solid series…

I too enjoyed this episode… hey.. it's only a few episodes left…. I didn't watch the first season but caught up… I'm looking forward to how they finish it off now… And you can tell how long this has been in the can.. Janet is sure pregnant since Andrea Roth had her baby in late March 2010… I seem to remember

Another great episode though the editors should watch out for us sharp eyed subway experts who noticed that Louie got on a #2 at Grand Central….

Rebecca Mader
It was great to see her and hope there's a way to get her back… always can use a flight attendant to get through customs and security plus certainly easy to look at.. reminds me of the way Nicole Kidman looked at a younger age..

Nothing for Treme
I guess there was too many good stuff to include anything for that wonderful show…. I suppose when you don't have that many viewers, it's a tough sell plus in the drama category, there's lots of good stuff… Maybe if they had categories in the Emmies for technical stuff like it might get a couple..

Rippy got his laugh in
He can't be in anything without his trademark laugh!!! I sure miss him in Saving Grace…

Not the real CK
It is funny to see the the notice in the credits that the characters are made up and not necessarily based on real life… I wonder if the real CK, the one that makes TV shows like Louie, could afford an expensive townhouse in NYC???? This CK appears to just get by doing comedy clubs…. thus he

I wonder what TNT could have expected for ratings with this show???? Clearly aimed at older folks especially 50+ crowd with money… All three actors appeal to that generation with very little to appeal to younger people… so maybe the prestige factor will keep it around…. Maybe Chevy will want the 1 hour

Hey AV Club, how about a retro review of Wiseguy…. One of the greatest shows ever made IMO especially the early arcs…