Bill O Rly

I've never even considered Tim & Eric to be discomfort comedy, just dumb comedy.

Haven't seen two of those films
Haven't even listened to the talk, but I just wanted to say Scott Pilgrim was thoroughly enjoyable. The only thing keeping me from saying that it was better than Hot Fuzz (and not just as good) is the awesomeness that is the Simon Pegg/Nick Frost combo.

Give credit where credit is due

Yeah, seriously don't get why she'd trade de Rossi for DeGeneres. One sounds like an Italian automobile while the other sounds like a Kia knock-off.

I always liked Johnny Bravo well enough, but Dexter's Lab was the best as far as CN's glory days go. Was Craig McCracken also responsible for the tail end of the Dexter episodes? Shame if so since they sucked. I liked Power Puff Girls at the start, but I think I got tired of most of the characters at some point and

Way to get unnecessarily serious with it, Phakaeci. If you think running gags about delicious fruits and pointing out the absurdity of hating something solely because another person likes it is apple fanboyism, then I strongly question whether you're not some other type of fanboy yourself.

hoo, haa, LATE!

Both Kenan and Kel were/are good actors, although I can understand the confusion as to how Kenan has done better than Kel. Still, I never understood the hate for Kenan in general.

I agree with the two gentlemen above.

"The Cleveland Show renewed"

I actually like Entourage
but the idea of watching 90 minutes of nothing but a tapestry of general "guy" humor seems kinda lame. It's certainly something that even I - yes, *I*…someone who actually rated a few of the seasons 5 stars in his Netflix queue - wouldn't want to or pay to see.

First runner up!