It took me more time than it should have to figure out the show was jumping around in time on purpose, and not just engaging in its usual skipped-a-page worldbuilding.
It took me more time than it should have to figure out the show was jumping around in time on purpose, and not just engaging in its usual skipped-a-page worldbuilding.
I think the ALMA people were just happy a (half)Latino actor was cast in a lead role not specifically written for a Latino.
Dude, if they do this we can cut back to basic cable (plus Netflix, plus HBOGo, but whatever). AWESOME.
Awww, Maryland is Ralph Wiggums! I should feel insulted, but instead I am charmed.
This might be political correctness run amok in my skull, but I found the "She's Got a Dick" sketch really hateful towards transgendered people. I wish they'd picked another issue. ANY other issue.
Ha! I did wonder if maybe she needed a little "special time" with the doctor.
Oh, cool. I'm glad they at least thought that much through.
I knew it was coming and I still laughed when Matthew died — it
seemed so cheap. I agree the show could have come up with something more
realistic, given Dan Stevens made his thoughts known so far in advance.
My pick? Give him a fantastic foreign posting, have he and Mary agree
they'll join him when the baby's a bit…
It came up very briefly in the last episode she was in. She told Rachel and Santana she'd broken up with him.
Because it's icky. I'm not asking him to date nuclear physicists, especially as I don't think he's one himself. But when you're closer to 40 than to 30, dating only hot babes half your age makes it clear you aren't really in it for conversation or mutual interests. (If it was just one girl, cool, maybe she has an…
Because it's icky. I'm not asking him to date nuclear physicists, especially as I don't think he's one himself. But when you're closer to 40 than to 30, dating only hot babes half your age makes it clear you aren't really in it for conversation or mutual interests. (If it was just one girl, cool, maybe she has an…
Cosigned. And then I feel like one of those repulsive fangirls who can't stand the fact her !!true love!! is sleeping with someone who is not her. But the thing is, I honestly do not care what Neil does with his dick, I just find Amanda an annoying attention whore and think she inspires Neil to be attention whorey in…
Cosigned. And then I feel like one of those repulsive fangirls who can't stand the fact her !!true love!! is sleeping with someone who is not her. But the thing is, I honestly do not care what Neil does with his dick, I just find Amanda an annoying attention whore and think she inspires Neil to be attention whorey in…
This is sad. She so clearly just went off the rails somewhere, and nobody around her was able or willing to pull her back.
This is sad. She so clearly just went off the rails somewhere, and nobody around her was able or willing to pull her back.
I know that Michael Jackson is dead and therefore a saint now and all, but I've never been able to get over the fact the dude — even if he never molested anyone in a technical sense — was damn creepy with adolescent boys. It wrecks all of his music for me. (Also, I'm kinda glad he's dead because otherwise he'd be all…
Ben Stiller
Stiller was supposed to host shortly after 9/11, dropped out at pretty much the last minute over safety concerns, and pissed the producers off. I suspect it'll be like the Chevy Chase thing where it's a long time before he turns up again, though his cameo this week suggests the ice is thawing.
I think the problem wasn't that Rachel got mad and made out with another guy (though that alone wouldn't have been Finn's Favorite Thing Ever) so much as that the other guy was Puck, who got Quinn pregnant while she was with Finn. I can see why that would be a huge giant sore point for Finn, and he said as much.