
The words themselves are a bit iffy, I agree. I think for me it may have just landed as coming from a person who does get his non-neurotypical personality and was kind of nodding at it. I could be wrong though.

And let's not forget, Community has had two of the greatest flashback clip-show episodes of television history, and neither of them were flashbacks to actual episodes. They could employ to same method to incorporate Pierce.

Yeah I was thinking that you could really argue that she was much more of an objective, and really just a cute, less rough around the edges female version of Abed in season 4. Not to say I didn't like her in season 4, but she definitely wasn't as developed as she was here tonight.

Yeah we definitely need to see her paired up or at least actively interacting with another main character.

Sure, we definitely know her at least primarily through Abed at this point, but I guess that is the way it is anytime a new character is brought in as a love interest. I think there would be room for her integration, and yeah, not just as some sort of female-mirror of Abedness, but as her own character.

Yeah, I britta'd up my name word pretty bad. And you're right, Abed WAS treating her as an objective at first, but that could be said for any of the characters in relation to any other in any given episode. But now he'll "understand her value" as a real person, because that's how she was portrayed (at least in this

But I will give Todd a pass on this one, in the spirit of the ideas he expressed in the first two paragraphs. Although, maybe it would be worthwhile to get a bit lost in the woods while trying to explain their relationship.

I gotta say that I couldn't disagree more with the view that Rachel was treated as more of an objective than a character. And not even solely based on the "not wanting to get manipulated" line at the end, but throughout the apartment scene. Especially with the "I'll just give you some space" line and her storm-out

Abed was sorta like Troy's first hallucinogenic experience.

And of course, part of the credit should go to Abed too; she can reach him in part because of how much he's grown.

Even with his best friend, it wasn't until after a few years of friendship that Troy was really able to express frustration with Abed without inciting war or summoning EvilAbed.

I really really liked the way Rachel handled the whole situation. Perhaps their month=year theory was a bit "hubristic" (sp?), but she was able to communicate her frustration with Abed in a much more effective way, than anyone still on the show ever has, and after only a month of being together.

That's a good one. I think my favorite may be when he happens upon Annie's Boobs' treasure chest (sorry) and Annie's Boob's scampers off with his spoon. But the only way I can be sure about which one is my favorite, is to watch them all, in one convenient montage ;).

Does anyone know if there is a video montage with all occurrences of Chang screaming "Nooooooo!"? I think it's become my new favorite sound-based comedy thingy. Jumped right over farts and burps, IMHO. 1000 points and my eternal gratitude to whoever can find such a video.

Joe Namath miscue