
*looks around* Nobody? OK…
My wife, Eleanor.

The A. V. Club

Steve Frayne appears to be a magician named "Dynamo."

"How do you feel? What's inside you right now?"

The A.V. Club
He's not like anybody I've ever met. He's like a riddle wrapped in an
enigma wrapped in a vest. He sure is ugly, though

Gotta nuke something.

For the most part, I have no idea what "Horse Outside" means, but I still think it's hilarious. Maybe it's because I drive a Subaru.

My Big Fat Greek Post-Decree Motion for Reduction of Spousal Support

Kraftwerk has done albums on trains, automobiles, and bicycles. Maybe they need to do an airport-themed album next.

I love how Homer screams, looks over at Bart, and then continues screaming.

A possum drowned in the pool. You have any garbage bags?

Cram it, churchy!

I don't recall saying good luck.


Man, when the Adolf Hitler gimmick account calls you weird…

Why you gotta be so Rudd?

Nor is former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

My immediate reaction was to point out that Angus Young is a teetotaler, which made me question why I know so much about his personal life.