
"The Weapon" and "The Enemy Within" are two of my favorite Rush songs. Even "Freeze" from Vapor Trails is pretty good.

I read a theory (probably from tmbw.net) that the subjects of "She's An Angel" are the same couple that broke up in "They'll Need a Crane."

The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Mr. and Mrs. Smith

After Mink Car, easily their worst album, they really got on a roll and have put out some great stuff. I guess doing those children's albums re-energized them.

John Flansburgh was selling signed copies of Nanobots for $20 after a show I went to, but I didn't buy one because I needed to pay for parking. I was so pissed when I got to my car and realized the parking garage took credit cards.

Vladimir Putin acts like Darth Vader, but looks like C-3PO.

What part of "ENDUT! HOCH HECH!" do you not understand?

Arr, not a quarter! He'll be dancin' for hours!


By the end of that I was almost ready to vote for Mitt Romney.

"Gee Ian, what do you want to do tonight?"
"Same thing we do every night, Stephen. Try to overthrow the bourgeoisie."

And just as a precautionary measure:

I used to really like System of a Down, and I can't remember why.

I'm so old I saw that movie when it came out and was disappointed by it.

What the Schrödinger's fuck?