
well the paint led them to the tax records for the house repair/maintenance, which gave them the company name. just having ear-covers doesn't usher them to the same kind of paper trail, i don't think. i don't disagree that the paint thing was bizarre, just that i can't think of another way to have unearthed that chain

i felt that same imagery, glad it wasn't just me.

or, you know. huge bruises.

someone upthread said it was confirmed to be a pre-civil war era fort

oh, it had completely slipped my mind about the jail suicide and the officer on duty. gah!

all i got from this rant was 'it was contrived, plagiarizing bullshit but i still couldn't bring myself to stop watching it'. cry harder.

was i alone in thinking rust was going to try to kill himself in the hospital? after marty's visit and his talk about how he wasn't supposed to be there and they didn't get everyone, i was almost certain.

i was expecting the noise-killing ear covers as well, but i don't think it was because they weren't allowed to use the john deere logo- they already have. and i'm sure there'd be some bootleg green noise-reduction headsets available somewhere. i think the way they did it made sense because the pain led them to a paper

interesting choices. why them?

I gave in and watched Broad City- although for some reason episode 2 isn't available on xfinity on demand? Weird. Enjoyed it- disagree that it's the anti-Girls, though. I love Amy Poehler's writing in it; much better than her writing for Parks & Rec etc. imo

i was so sure he was gonna trail them on his lawnmower and fuck them up

the big pastor guy's been dead

you clearly haven't watched sons of anarchy in a few seasons

he hadn't been driving his car- there's no record of him or what he was up to until he got his license renewed because it had been expired (for some time, i think? could be wrong) in 2010. for a bit of a junker car in 2002 it looks exactly the same 10 years later. doubt its seen much action.

the stamper equivalent is dead by this point in the original, as well.

well, claire's been pregnant three times, so it stands to reason that their relationship had to have been sexual at some point, if not currently.

fair point, i guess i had been blind to it because she was so refreshing in her un-zoe-ness. she's a very slight character, and only being a finance writer does limit her, but i would still welcome more from her. it seemed to me as if she had some sort of history/familiarity with seth which could be interesting.

i thought this season was much, much better than season one. just, flat out. they're finally using robin wright the way the lord intended, and zoe is dead. glory, glory hallelujah.

a comment on a wapo article really articulated my feelings on it-