It is a hard knock life….
It is a hard knock life….
Although not a Nick Miller answer, I'd ask which life allows me to continue to bang Zooey Dechannel.
And she would be hot.
Bigger bomb than Lone Ranger? Daaaaaayum.
Three Kings wasn't weird. It was a bummer that Kuwabara was basically dropped though.
@avclub-5d5d5e210ae1cd5cc074b291b5786495:disqus I got a FlashForward notification for your post. I should really turn those off.
Are we sure Todd isn't Matt Damon?
When did this Adam Sandler become Charlie Gordon?
He had hoop dreams.
Nobody reads the rules. They're like EULAs. No one's ever asked before, and no one really cares.
From what little I played of Injustice, half of the stages are Batman-related. That's why it's all grimdark. Plus it being the evil timeline where Superman is (even more of) a dick.
MCU = Marvel Cinematic Universe
DLC = DownLoadable Content
GTA = Grand Theft Auto
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
MvC = Marvel vs. Capcom
DC = Detective Comics
"I've made a huge mistake."
It was a few years ago I started watching Scrubs when it was syndicated on Comedy Central. "My Screw Up" must have been one of the earlier episodes I saw and even though I never saw the previous episode with Ben, it was still a very touching episode.
I've got a gun! I've got a ruddy gun!
If history is any lesson, every person Dexter connects to he has to end up killing. Except Lumen. She is one lucky son of a gun.
You have to let body parts simmer to really get the flavor out.
He didn't know, just he suspected him of some sort of foul play (I think they thought it might have been drugs). But he never got a conclusive anything out of it. Also, they're cool because Dexter saved him from being implicated in RoboCop's murder.
So cannibalism is where Dex draws the line? As a psychopath, I wouldn't have expected him to be so shocked and disgusted by that finger floating in the soup.