Turok Obama

I'm calling it, black female cop is the killer. Working with Deb's boss, why not?

How embarrassing.

I've been meaning to.  I'm just super lazy. Watching those two movies, that is. I have been burning copies of Cars 2 already. I just like watching children cry.

I couldn't take the whole thing seriously, and I still have not seen Ratatoulie, Brave or Cars 2.  Still I liked that connection he made with Boo and that old lady in Brave.  I think that's the most interesting thing to take out of it.

Well…at least Ventimiglia is still getting work.

I saw it and gave it an A.  So at least one other person gave it something lower.

"Either we can sit here, or we can take these flair guns and do something stupid!"

It could.  Or, it could appear to be important and then be completely removed by at latest the halfway point of the season.  Like that one intern they had that one season, or the cool Russian mobster.

One of my favorite jokes by him:
"My girlfriend loves to eat chocolate. She's always eating chocolate, and she likes to joke she's got a chocolate addiction… So, I put her in a car and I drove her downtown, and I pointed out a crack addict, and I said, 'Do you see that, honey? Why can't you be that skinny?'"

"I'd like to play John Madden Football on her XBOX."
"Who, Todd?  There are no women here."

Yeah I thought that was odd.

It's both the twist we need and deserve.

Hey, one of the Reeve Superman movies got me to start smoking.

I'm trying to make sense out of Deb's boss.  And is it just me or is Masuka acting odder than usual?

It was painfully obviously that the one doctor that Travis Marshell was following around was a ghost, just as it's painfully obvious Vogul is the Surgeon and is manipulating Dexter for some reason.  It's for that very reason I again hope for the best and that she isn't.  Although I don't see them not revealing she's

It has a habit setting up all this potential and squandering it.

It seems much more likely given her relationship with Matthews that she knew Harry Morgan personally and probably helped him out when he realized his adopted son was a psychopath.

Please, Munch is criminally underutilized in the series as of late.  The most he'd do is make some one0liner about Benson asking for directions to Sesame Street.

I completely forgot about this case.  Where the hell is my Law & Order: SVU episode based off of this?