I was a big fan of SNZ back then, and also a few of the swing revival bands. They did not consider themselves part of that movement, and I tend to agree, as their music leaned more toward old-time hot jazz and blues/Americana than 1940's swing.
I was a big fan of SNZ back then, and also a few of the swing revival bands. They did not consider themselves part of that movement, and I tend to agree, as their music leaned more toward old-time hot jazz and blues/Americana than 1940's swing.
I read a great article online about their breakup some years ago, and I wish I could point you to it as it was actually a very interesting story. I think it was from a North Carolina newspaper.
George Hurley of the Minutemen/Firehose. Dude could play the shit outta any style, jazz, rock, funk, country, whatever. He never played balls-out thrash (that I'm aware of) but I bet he'd kill that too.
Take it from me, www.babes.com is NOT this band's site. Though based on this publicity shot, perhaps it should be.
I even bought the reissue of A Can of Bees a few years back, and it was…something.
I have yet to meet anyone who even recognizes the name of, let alone loves, Robyn Hitchcock as much as me, so he's an unlikely dealmaker for me. A bridge much further would have to be It's Immaterial, an 80's synth duo whose debut album I have purchased at least 4 times in various formats. Ironically my lovely wife…
Honest question: Do you think Morrissey realizes the level of dicktitude that he is constantly displaying these days? I posit that though he may have been a garden-variety pain-in-the-ass early in his career, he's now pulling these stunts in an effort to play the character of "Morrissey". Like the way Stephen…
Just checked their site for tour dates and though San Diego is skipped (as usual), I was pleased to see that they will be playing in Denton TX. Talk about commenter/avatar synergy.
Agreed. If you're inclined to drink a cloyingly sweet, neon-colored beverage, Cactus Cooler is tough to beat.
I didn't recognize him in the film, and then nearly plotzed when I saw the cast list.
RUN, don't walk, to your nearest Costco. I bought an HP Pavilion with Win7 just last night for $500. I think it's cheaper because it's a slightly older model and may be a closeout, but it'll work great for our home needs. I'm sure glad I did a bit of research first and avoided the Win8 debacle.
You recall correctly. http://www.avclub.com/artic…
Yes, I was indeed asking questions to rant. But you provided helpful info and I appreciate that. Thanks.
Couple things that have always bugged me about these RSD releases. One, who chooses this shit to re-release? Not every half-baked garage band or ancient folkie deserves a one-day-only special edition release on pink swirly vinyl. Second, where in the FUCK are the "suggested retail" prices for these things? Since I…
You don't really get to see it on an average night of WOF, but Pat Sajak is actually quite funny and clever. I learned this when he had his short-lived talk show, as he was often very engaging and quick-witted with his guests.
I only just saw that episode the other night, as we wrapped up watching Season 3. I nearly crapped when I realized that it wasn't dubbed, that she was actually playing so beautifully. That little girl is seriously talented.
I never knew Ed Kowalczyk played Jesus in a movie before starting Live. Huh.
Blocked! Damn you, IT department.
Care to elaborate on these "obvious reasons"? How about the approximate year that you quit watching, hmmm?
"Life begins at the pop"
— A. Partridge